Loyola University Chicago

Children's Memory and Learning

Narrative Coding Resources


Dr. Haden with co-author Philip Hoffman wrote a 2013 “Tools of the Trade” feature article for the Journal of Cognition in Development on the topic of narrative coding. The citation for this article is:

Haden, C. A., & Hoffman, P. C. (2013). Cracking the code: Using personal narratives in research. Journal of Cognition and Development, 14(3),361-375. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2013. 805135

As we say in this paper, when using or adapting coding systems in the published literature, obtaining the detailed coding manual from the researchers whose system you wish to use is important.  Coding sections of manuscripts are necessarily short; coding manuals will contain more detailed and specific information, often with many examples of what does and does not count for a code. 

Two coding manuals are provided here from our work. Citations for studies in which these systems have been used are provided in the manuals. 


Narrative Coding System from Haden, Haine and Fivush (1997)


Coding Elaborativeness in Reminiscing from Haden (1998)