[Loyola University Chicago]

CLST 272-001: Heroes and Classical Epics

Attic Red-figure cup, c. 500

Fall Semester 2015
Dr. Jacqueline Long

MWF 8:15am - 9:05am
Crown Center 140

Study Questions

Just as it says in the other file, these questions suggest directions for you to pursue your ideas about Classical epics. Questions about upcoming readings generally flag text I expect will be important in class discussions. Questions referring back to class discussions tries to pick up threads from important issues I expect us to be discussing. But the questions do not merely summarize our discussions (summary is a worthwhile, but different, kind of studying), nor do they necessarily forecast exam questions very closely. Rather, they invite you to develop interesting lines of thought. One thing exams will ask you to do is to discuss specific ideas about heroes and Classical epics in terms of concrete evidence in our course material. Therefore you will find it useful, as you think about even very wide-ranging questions, to identify specific pieces of evidence in the material we are covering that help demonstrate your observations and prove your insights, and to be able to explain clearly just how those pieces of evidence validate the conclusions you draw.

file in progress - perennially
The study questions in this file will be updated through the course of the semester. Keep watching this space!

Monday 12 October

From today's class: For tomorrow's reading:

Wednesday 14 October

From today's class:

For tonight's reading:

Friday 16 October

From today's class:

For tonight's reading:

Monday 19 October

From today's class:

For tonight's reading:

Wednesday 21 October

From today's class:

For tonight's reading:

Friday 23 October

From today's class:

For tonight's reading:

Monday 26 October

From today's class: For tonight, review the Odyssey as a whole: Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 2

Wednesday 28 October

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Review your reading, your notes, your quizzes, your presentation-papers, the Study Questions from before mid-term break and in this file, the Study Guide for Exam 2, and in short all material assigned to date, for Exam 2 on Friday.

Looking ahead: Study Guide for Exam 2

Friday 30 October

From today's class: For tonight's reading: Happy Hallowe'en!

Monday 2 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Wednesday 4 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Friday 6 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Monday 9 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Wednesday 11 November - Happy Armistice Day!

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Friday 13 November - absit omen!

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Monday 16 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Wednesday 18 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Friday 20 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Monday 23 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading: Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Monday 30 November

From today's class: For tonight's reading: Looking ahead: Study Guide for the Final Exam.

Wednesday 3 December

From today's class: For tonight's reading: Looking ahead: Study Guide for the Final Exam.

Friday 4 December

From today's class: For tonight's reading:

Review your reading, your notes, the Study Questions in this file and from before mid-term break, the Study Guide for the final exam, and in short all material assigned to date, for the final exam next Tuesday. (Obviously, Study Questions relating to the Iliad and Odyssey will be relevant for the Aeneid by way of comparison, rather than necessarily directly: see what good ideas comparison gives you.)

Looking ahead: Study Guide for the Final Exam. Good luck!

Thanks for a good semester. Good luck with all your end-of-term endeavors, and enjoy wonderful holidays!

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Revised 4 December 2015 by jlong1@luc.edu