Loyola University Chicago

CLST 295 / WSGS 295:
Women in the Classical World

Fall Semester 2011
Dr. Jacqueline Long

two girls playing knucklebones, painted terracotta figurine-group, Capua, 3c BC; photo B. Laforse

Schedule of Reading Assignments and Topics

MWF 9:20 - 10:10 AM
Flanner Hall 105

The reading assignments yield essential preparation for class meetings and discussions:
complete the reading before the day for which a reading is listed;
review it again as needed.


M 8/29 Introduction: Whose World Was Classical Antiquity?
W 8/31 Getting to Square One
  • McManus 1997, ch.1, "The Gendering of 'The Classics'," .pdf file in class Blackboard site, Additional Texts folder
  • Sappho, fragment 1, Hymn to Aphrodite (tr. Vandiver and L&F3, Sappho 1; note in passing, translation makes some difference)
  • Study questions
F 9/2 Female on the Cosmic Map
M 9/5 No class. Labor Day holiday.
W 9/7 Enter the Maiden - to the Archaic Greek World
F 9/9 Sappho: a Woman Sings Desire and Glory
M 9/12 Women's Roles as Calibrated in Archaic Greece
W 9/14 Accounting for Women in Hard-Knock Life
F 9/16 Getting a Rise: Masculine "Othering"
M 9/19 Women's Loves and the World's Renewal
W 9/21 Spartan Women (or, Who's Looking at Whom? and the Problem of Evidence)
F 9/23 Exam I.
M 9/26 Classical Athens and Public Activity of Women
  • WCW I.3.a (pp. 68-93)
  • L&F3 36, 37, 226, 227, 274, 391, 398, 399, 405
  • Study questions
W 9/28 Tragic Question: Women's Right to Rage
F 9/30 Identifying Women in Classical Athens
M 10/3 A Measure of Autonomy: Women Writing, Women Working, Women Worshipping
W 10/5 Regulating Women: Classical Greek Law-Systems
F 10/7 Prostitution
M 10/10 - T 10/11 No classes. MIDSEMESTER BREAK!
W 10/12 The "Undoer of Armies": Women, Sex, and the State in Attic Old Comedy
F 10/14 Women, Sex, and the State, Seriously
M 10/17 Xenophon's Socrates and Women's Abilities
W 10/19 Plato and Aristotle and Women
F 10/21 Top Women Step Out in the Hellenistic World
  • WCW I.5.a (pp. 136-163)
  • L&F3 103, 104, 213, 304, 305, 327, 384, 385, 394, 395, 407
  • Study questions
M 10/24 Plus Ca Change, Plus C'Est la Meme Chose: Erudition and Autonomy (sort of) in Hellenistic Women's Lives
W 10/26 Men Picture Women's Intimate Worlds: One Subject of Alexandrian Poetry
F 10/28 Medical Thinking about Women
M 10/31 Exam II.
W 11/2 Overview of Women's Early Roman World
F 11/4 Ideological Construction of Early Roman Women: What were they Thinking?
M 11/7 Women under Laws of the Roman Republic
W 11/9 Women in the middle and later Republic
F 11/11 Women, Families, and Values in the first century BC
M 11/14 Dangerous, Scandalous: Roman Rhetoric and Women's Alleged Moral Qualities
W 11/16 Cultivation and Eroticization
  • WCW II.10 (pp. 280-292)
  • Sulpicia, Six Elegies, translated and annotated by Lee T. Pearcy for Diotima (prose translations also available as L&F3 22, 23)
  • Study questions
F 11/18 Tough Ladies face the State
M 11/21 Restoration according to Augustus, including Women's Part in the Early Roman Empire
W 11/23 - Sa 11/26 No classes. THANKSGIVING BREAK!
M 11/28 Augustus and the Family and some Unforeseen Consequences
W 11/30 Women in the Roman Towns: Pompeii
F 12/2 Women of Rank in the Later Roman Imperial World
M 12/5 Private Lives of Women in the Later Roman Empire
W 12/7 Christian Womanhood and the Transmutation of Family Values
F 12/9 Rank and Respect
W 12/14 till 4:15 p.m. Study day.
Sa 12/17
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Final examination.
or as otherwise scheduled by the University; see Loyola's Fall 2011 Final Exam Schedule.

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Revised 6 December 2011 by jlong1@luc.edu