[Loyola University Chicago]

LATN 286/289: The Age of Nero

Fall Semester 2007

Nero, c AD 50, Palatine Hill, Rome; photo J. Long 2006

Nero's reign attained both new heights of aestheticism and new depths of sordidness in Rome's public culture - appalled contemporaries might have said, often both at once. We will examine Nero's impact through selections from two texts, Suetonius's biography of Nero and Lucan's epic of the civil wars that, in a sense to which Lucan called attention, produced Nero as their consequence.

Our work this term will have two central aims (plus the third, of having fun with them):

Class Meetings:

TTh 8:30-9:45 AM
Crown Center 572

Dr. Long is available in Office Hours:

MWF 11:30am-12:00noon, 2nd floor Piper Hall
TTh 9:45-10:15am, Crown Center 553
or by appointment


Schedule of Assignments

Tu 8/28 First day of class: Introduction to Nero and Suetonius.
M 9/3 Labor Day: No classes (not that we would have been meeting class in any event).
Tu 9/11 - correction! Short quiz as well as ongoing classwork.
Tu 9/18 Short but wonderfully creative literary translation due.
Tu 9/25 Short quiz as well as ongoing classwork.
Tu 10/2 Short but intriguing researched commentary due.
M 10/8-Tu 10/9 Mid-semester Break: No classes.
Th 10/11 Mid-term examination.
Tu 10/16 Introduction to Lucan.
Th 10/25 Short quiz as well as ongoing classwork.
Th 11/8 Short quiz as well as ongoing classwork.
Th 11/15 Short but wonderfully creative literary translation due.
W 11/21 - F 11/23 Thanksgiving Break: No classes.
Th 11/19 Short quiz as well as ongoing classwork.
Th 12/6 Short but intriguing researched commentary due.
M 12/10
Undergraduate Study Day
Sa 12/15
Final examination.

Grades will be based on:
Participation (beyond attendance: includes oral translation and contributions to class discussion)
  • Penalty for excessive absences (see below)
-2.5% per absence falling within the definition of excess (see below)
Short quizzes (scheduled) cumulative average = 15%
Written homework (assigned in class) cumulative average = 10%
Literary translations and researched commentaries (@ 7.5% each) 30%
Mid-term exam 15%
Final exam 15%
The "midterm grade" will reflect the weighted average, pro-rated, of the components completed to date: participation, homework and quizzes to date and literary translation, researched commentary and midterm exam.

Attendance and other policies

Internet resources

Specially for this course Resources for Latin

Additional University resources

Academic honesty

Any practice of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, obstructing the work of other students, etc.) perpetrated in this course will result in failure of the course. Do not do it.

For basic principles and definitions, see the subsection on "Academic Integrity" in the General Academic Standards and Regulations. Many websites offer fuller information and strategies by which you can keep yourself clear from plagiarism: for example, from Oregon State University, from Indiana University, and from Purdue University. Learning is wholly personal: it only happens if you do it yourself. Your University record should be certifying only what has really happened.

Loyola University requires that all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved and to the academic Dean of the student's College.

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Loyola University Chicago

Revised 28 September 2007 by jlong1@luc.edu