Loyola University Chicago

LATN 284: The Age of Augustus
LATN 341: Vergil, Aeneid

Spring Semester 2018

Dido and Aeneas, Vatican Vergil ms, c 400, Rome

Augustan Rome wanted a classic that would renew its heritage. Although Vergil died fearing that his not quite finished epic would fall short of the goal, his wishes that the Aeneid be destroyed were ignored. While the epic was in-progress contemporaries were eager to hear all they could about the project. From the moment it was published, forward, it has won recognition as a proud but also poignant image of Roman potential. We will read selections from the whole poem with attention to technicalities of language and poetics. We will investigate and discuss the Aeneid's literary techniques and historical and cultural resonance through primary research, critical study of published scholarship, and creative translations of our own.

Our work together will pursue four main aims (plus the fifth, of having fun with them):

M-W-F 10:25am-11:15am
Crown Center 572
Dr. Jacqueline Long

Office Hours: MWF 9:20am-10:10am, Crown Center 563, or by appointment
phone: 773-508-3511
e-mail: jlong1@luc.edu


Policies and Assessment

Schedule of Reading Assignments and Topics

Additional Resources
Vergil and Augustan Rome Resources for Latin Resources for Writing

Additional support-resources at Loyola University Chicago

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Loyola University Chicago

Revised 18 January 2018 by jlong1@luc.edu