Loyola University Chicago


Corporate and Foundation Relations

Welcome to Corporate and Foundation Relations
Loyola University Chicago Advancement Division

The Corporate and Foundation Relations team in the Advancement Division strengthens relationships between Loyola University Chicago and private philanthropic organizations. These relationships vitally support Loyola’s mission of teaching, research, and promoting justice.

We proactively pursue relationships with corporations and foundations to support Loyola’s strategic priorities. In keeping with the Jesuit value of care for the institution, we seek to maximize benefits for programs and units university-wide, including the Water Tower, Lake Shore, and Health Sciences campuses. We collaborate with departments such as Major Gifts, Donor Relations, Gift Processing, Research Services, and Sponsored Program Accounting to steward contributions in accordance with donor intent.

Our team facilitates corporate and foundation fundraising in two key ways:

  1. Centrally managing strategic institutional relationships with select University prospects and donors, Restricted Foundations and Corporations.
  2. Providing technical assistance and consulting to faculty, staff, and units that seek to secure funding from other, Non-Restricted Foundations and Corporations

All faculty and staff are required to contact the Corporate and Foundation Relations team at CFR@LUC.edu prior to fundraising to determine if the organization you plan to approach is among Restricted Foundations and Corporations. These organizations require strategic, centralized, coordinated management due to:

  • Donor preferences
  • Loyola’s institutional priorities
  • Loyola’s presidential and Board of Trustees relationships
  • Multifaceted engagement with Loyola
  • Limited submissions allowed or welcomed by the funder

Technical Assistance and Consulting

In addition to centrally managing Restricted Foundations and Corporations, our team works with faculty, staff, and units to:

  • Assess funding feasibility and identify potential funders for projects and programs
  • Develop compelling letters of inquiry, proposals, and reports
  • Provide writing and editing support
  • Offer guidance on framing your request to ensure that the language and context align with the funder
  • Consult on sponsorship messaging
  • Plan visits with funders to discuss projects related to their goals

To request support, please contact our team at cfr@luc.edu.


When should I contact Corporate and Foundation Relations?

Contact our office for technical assistance or consultation when you have questions about private foundations or corporate funding or want to begin exploring funding opportunities. We can update you on restricted foundations and corporations and can assist with prospect research, outreach to program officers, developing proposals, planning foundation visits or meetings, and more.

Does the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations provide writing/editing support?

Yes! Our team members can serve as proposal consultants for letters of inquiry or proposals requesting foundation or corporate support. We can provide guidance on framing your request, review draft inquiries and draft proposals, and ensure that the language and context align with the audience who will review your request.

What are Restricted Foundations and Corporations?

The University maintains a list of Restricted Foundations and Corporations, which are centrally and strategically managed by University Advancement. We have “restricted” foundations and corporations due to the nature of the University’s relationship with the funder because the funder may limit the number of applications that can be made annually, Loyola Board of Trustees connections, particular interests of the funder, or other factors. Connect with our office at cfr@luc.edu prior to any outreach to corporations and foundations.

What are “limited submission” funding opportunities?

Limited submissions are funding opportunities whereby a private foundation or corporation limits the number of applications an institution can submit, which often means accepting one application for any project per year. The Office of Research Services manages these opportunities. Email the Office of Research Services (Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses) at ors@luc.edu.

How does the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations differ from the Office of Research Services?

Housed within University Advancement, the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations focuses on advancing Loyola’s mission by building and strengthening philanthropic relationships with private, professional foundations and corporations. On behalf of the University, we support relationships for both gifts (i.e. unrestricted support) and grants from private foundations and corporations. We support faculty, staff, and units across the University in developing and submitting the strongest proposals to the most appropriate private foundations and corporations.

Loyola has two Offices of Research Services:

  • For the Office of Research Services (Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses), visit https://www.luc.edu/ors/index.shtml or email ors@luc.edu edu for additional information or assistance, including with initiating the required Proposal Transmittal and Approval Process, or PTAP.
  • For the Office of Research Services (Health Sciences Campus), visit https://hsd.luc.edu/research_services/ for additional information or assistance.
The private foundation (or corporation) to which I’m applying requires an institutional letter of support, tax determination letter, Board of Trustees list, or other institutional documentation to accompany my proposal. Can Corporate and Foundation Relations help?

Yes, contact our office for access to the current Board of Trustee list, IRS forms, and other institutional documentation by emailing cfr@luc.edu. We can also help you navigate the process of securing endorsements from the president, provost, and other institutional leaders.

The award letter says I need to submit progress and/or financial reports. Can Corporate and Foundation Relations help?

Yes. When you are awarded a grant, be sure to alert Corporate and Foundation Relations (cfr@luc.edu) and the Office of Research Services for your campus, and send us a copy of your award letter. This is the first step in getting assistance with progress and/or financial reports. Also, Corporate and Foundation Relations can help with reviewing reports, coordinating/advising on visits with funders, and more.

Who at Loyola needs to know that I am submitting Letter of Inquiry, grant proposal, or sponsorship request to a private foundation or corporation?

It is required that you contact Corporate and Foundation Relations prior to interacting with Restricted Foundations and Corporations. We also welcome faculty and staff to contact us for technical assistance or consultation with other private foundations or corporations.

Let our office know in advance of submitting a funding request to a private foundation or corporation by emailing cfr@luc.edu. All proposals requiring a line-item budget to a foundation should also be processed through the Office of Research Services system for the Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses or the Health Sciences Campus.

Prior to any fundraising efforts, it’s also advisable to ensure that your dean or administrator is aware of and endorses the project.

I'm new to seeking foundation funding. Are there resources to help me understand foundations?

Many resources in the philanthropic community can help introduce you to private foundations and help you get started in seeking funding. We recommend:

  • Forefront (https://myforefront.org/) is a local resource for networking, information, and guidance on seeking philanthropic support in Illinois.
  • The Foundation Center (candid.org) provides a wealth of resources about foundations, as well as tutorials on proposal writing and creating a budget. The website also provides access to tax returns (Form 990) for foundations.
  • PND by Candid (www.philanthropynewsdigest.org) provides free updates on foundation news and current requests for proposals.
I'm new to corporate partnerships. Are there resources to help with understanding how corporate giving or sponsorship works?
  • NACRO (http://nacrocon.org/) is a network of professionals dedicated to providing professional development opportunities and sharing best practices to those interested in university-industry corporate relations. NACRO offers a range of conferences, webinars, and white papers.
  • IEG (http://www.sponsorship.com) is a global consultancy in partnership strategy, evaluation, and measurement for leading sponsors and rights holders. It offers publications, training, and conferences on sponsorship best practices, insights, and trends.
  • The Alford Group (https://alford.com/services/corporate-impact/) is a consultancy that offers, among other services, strategy consulting in corporate partnership best practices, including a toolkit with advice on prospecting, messaging, and valuing sponsorship assets.
  • Sponsorship Collective (https://sponsorshipcollective.com/blog/) is a consultancy with a blog featuring sponsorship best practices.