Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Division of Academic Affairs Office of the Provost

Academic Innovation Team

Dear Colleagues,

I’m pleased to send you this information on our new Academic Innovation Team that will be led by Joan Phillips, Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean in the Quinlan School of Business. Joan is serving as a special assistant to the provost for academic innovation and is ready to assist with advancing your new program initiatives. Please contact Joan directly at: jphillips@luc.edu or 312-915-7815. 


To facilitate the implementation of new academic programs, the leaders of schools and institutes have requested assistance in the development of entrepreneurial initiatives that would expand program offerings and create new enrollment streams. The creation of an Academic Innovation Team will coordinate the research (market and enrollments), resource allocation needs and options, and budgetary implications of launching new initiatives.  The team will be drawn from existing university assets and services which--while working as a team --can advance and launch new program initiatives with the necessary support to be successful.

The Academic Innovation Team will be convened, as needed, to respond to requests from academic leaders for assistance with research, analytics, and resource requirements for new programs.  The scope of analytical work of the team may include:

  • Curricular development and alignment with current programs
  • Strategic contribution of new programs to advancing Plan 2020 and academic diversity
  • Market analysis and enrollment projections
  • Tuition pricing analysis
  • Resource requirements and options (faculty, staff, facility, training and development, marketing)
  • Budgetary implications (reprogramming/reallocation vs. new revenue and expense streams; startup costs)
  • Career and gainful employment outcomes (i.e. certificates, degrees)
  • Assessment planning
  • Development of realistic timetables for each phase of a project, including lead time, roll out, and subsequent evaluations of outcomes
  • Review of requests for academic innovation startup funds

The team will include the following positions/offices:

Academic Innovation Team

Chair: Joan Phillips, Professor of Marketing, Special Assistant to Provost

Associate Provost for Curriculum Development

Assistant Provost for Academic Business Operations

Assistant Provost for Academic Diversity

Director of Enrollment Systems, Research, Reporting

Enrollment Marketing (Staff)

Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Staff)

Additional faculty or staff resources, as needed, for data analytics, marketing, advertising, higher education, etc.

Administrative Support Staff liaison (Kara Doszkewycz, Office of the Provost)

The team will do its work on behalf of academic leaders prior to or on a parallel track with the academic program approval process (e.g. BUS, GSCB), and assist in the preparation of materials that may be needed by the Office of the Provost or the Budget Review Team to make resource allocation decisions for new programs.