Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Division of Academic Affairs Office of the Provost

Honoring Student Religious Observances

September 30, 2024


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,


As a Jesuit, Catholic university, Loyola University Chicago invites people of all faiths and traditions to be a part of our community and we are committed to supporting students to grow in their faith traditions.   

At Loyola, faculty members will work to accommodate students if the observance of a major religious holiday interferes with a student’s academic work. If a student is unable to attend a class, participate in a test or quiz, be present for a presentation, or complete an assignment on a specific day because of the observance of a religious holiday, the student will be excused and provided the opportunity to make up the work. Students will continue to be responsible for all assigned work and should notify their professors in advance through Loyola email of the religious observance(s) that conflict with their classes.  

Campus Ministry has published a list of religious holidays likely to affect Loyola students. This list can be found on the Campus Ministry website.  

Please keep in mind that the calendar provided by Campus Ministry is advisory and students’ requests to observe significant holidays of all cultures and faiths, including, but not limited to, those on the calendar should be accommodated. 

Thank you for working together to honor all faith traditions. I wish peace and joy to all students, colleagues, and their religious communities who will be observing their holidays this year. 


Douglas W. Woods, PhD 

Provost and Chief Academic Officer