Loyola University Chicago

Office of the Bursar

Quinlan School of Business

Tuition & Fees 2022-2023

Tuition & Course Fees
Per Credit Hour
(All Programs except MBA in Healthcare Management and Executive MBA)
MBA in Healthcare Management, for Cohort that began Fall 2022, program cost $90,520.00
MBA in Healthcare Management, for Cohort that began Fall 2021, program cost $88,320.00
Executive MBA, program cost-Cohort Began Fall 2022 $96,240.00
Executive MBA, program cost-Cohort Began Fall 2021 $93,900.00
English Language Learning Program(ELLP) Courses, per credit hour $360.00
Course Fees, per class section:
BSAD 343 (all sections) $100.00
ISSCM 400N Section 400 $500.00
ISSCM 402N $500.00
BSAD 443 Section 001  $100.00
Mandatory Fees
CTA U-Pass, per term $112.00
Student Development Fee, per quarter: $110.00
Technology Fee, per term:  
Registered for 9 or more hours $125.00
Registered for 4 to 8 hours $65.00
Registered for 1 to 3 hours $30.00
Student Health Insurance Premium, annually $3,430.00
Other Graduate Fees
Matriculation Fee (payable at time of registration) $100.00
Fees for All Schools and Divisions
Late Registration Fee (not refundable) $50.00
Late Payment Fee 1.5% monthly
Returned Check Fee $40.00
Replacement Refund Check Fee $25.00

*Please note: All tuition and fees are subject to change.

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