
Summer Fellowship in Neuroscience (funded by the Center for Interdisciplinary Thinking)

Program Requirements: Open to declared (by January) Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Minors interested in engaging in faculty-guided research during the summer

Award: $2,000.00 

Timeline: a 10-week session sometime between May 15–August 15

Required for Application:

Essay and list of courses relevant to Neuroscience (with grades) that have been completed

Contact: Dr. Raymond Dye, Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Minor, Director, 340 Coffey Hall

Phone: 773.508.3018

Email: rdye@luc.edu

At Loyola University Chicago, the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Minor is comprised of scientists from the departments of Biology, Psychology, and Computer Science. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, neuroscience requires broad training in biological, physical, and behavior sciences in both classroom and laboratory courses during undergraduate study.  For students interested in pursuing careers in Neuroscience, it is also important that they obtain first-hand experience working in a research laboratory with the goal of presenting results at national research conferences and publishing in scientific journals.

The Center for Interdisciplinary Thinking awarded $10,000 to the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Minor to provide three students with the opportunity to work with one of the nine neuroscientists at the Lake Shore campus during the summer of 2015. This opportunity allows students to see how questions are asked, answered, and the results disseminated. Perhaps more importantly, it provides students with an introduction to the culture of neuroscience.