
Undergraduate Practicum Requirement

Most undergraduate computing majors (COMP-BS, CSEC-BS, ITEC-BS, and SWEN-BS) include a 6-credit "Practicum" requirement that can be fulfilled through one or more of the courses below (all of which also apply to the University Core requirement for Engaged Learning).

View each course description in the Academic Catalog and learn more about each course and how to register for it below.

COMP 312: Open Source Software Practicum

This course will cover the fundamentals of Free and Open Source software development. Topics to be addressed include licensing, Linux, typical software development tools, applications, and techniques for managing remote servers.

COMP 390: Broadening Participation in STEM (Computing, Math & Science)

For COMP 390, you can enroll yourself and will be responsible for finding a service learning placement such as:

  • Mentoring a high school, middle school, or community center robotics team
  • Assisting in a high school computer science classroom
  • Running an after-school program at some K--12 level to do some introductory programming such as in the Scratch environment, etc.
  • Tutoring students in a STEM subject

Other options are possible as long as you are focused on interacting with other people to foster greater interest, motivation, or skills in a STEM area.

You will also be presented with a list of requests from K--12 and community people, and in past experience, there have been many more requests than there are students in the class. COMP 390 will be online as far as lecture content and reports/reflections that you need to submit, but you will need to work out an appropriate schedule for a physical or virtual presence of at least 25 hours at your service site(s).

Note: COMP 390 is variable credit, and you need to select the correct number of credits, usually 3, but the variable credit allows for splitting the 3 credits across two terms (generally Fall then Spring). LOCUS defaults to 1 credit when you register for the course, but you can select up to 3 credits or edit your registration after the initial signup.

COMP 391: Internship in Computer Science

An opportunity to obtain experience in software development, design, or other activities in computer science and/or information technology in a professional setting.

For COMP 391 Internship, the process is as follows:

  • Students interested in an internship must first find an employer/supervisor willing to provide them with a job. Internships are most advantageous to students if they already have considerable experience in upper-level Computer Science courses. Skills from upper-level courses are also going to help students be hired.
  • The student must make a formal request to the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator, supplying a Job Description. The Undergraduate Internship Coordinator is looking for positions where the student will use and extend knowledge from upper-level courses.
  • The Undergraduate Internship Coordinator reviews the student’s performance in general and in relevant COMP classes, and either approves the request or suggests what further steps the student should make before securing an internship.
  • Before the internship is registered in LOCUS, the student must deliver the Internship Memorandum of Understanding (see below) signed by both the supervisor, student, and Undergraduate Internship Coordinator, outlining the expectations of all parties.

See this letter from Dr. Yacobellis, CS Internship Coordinator, on how to register for an internship and the MOU form referenced in the instructions. 

COMP 398: Independent Study

For COMP 398 Independent Study, the process is as follows:

  • Find a professor who is interested in supervising what you want to do, or who has a project in mind that you are interested in doing. Look to professors you have had, or look at the research page describing ongoing projects, or just ask professors.
  • Discuss details of what your work will entail, the number of units of credit, and the expectations for grading.
  • Write an email back to the professor, confirming the details of your discussion. Also include the semester you want to register, the number of units, and your student number (to aid the final registration). All this data is essential.
  • The professor should respond, copying your data, and agreeing with your request and the email should be copied to upd@cs.luc.edu.
  • The department administrator should email all concerned when the registration is completed

Most undergraduate computing majors (COMP-BS, CSEC-BS, ITEC-BS, and SWEN-BS) include a 6-credit "Practicum" requirement that can be fulfilled through one or more of the courses below (all of which also apply to the University Core requirement for Engaged Learning).

View each course description in the Academic Catalog and learn more about each course and how to register for it below.