
Administrative Resolution Format for Student Respondents

UPON A FINDING BY THE INVESTIGATOR that a student respondent is responsible for one or more policy violations, the matter is referred to the director of the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (“OSCCR”), who serves as the Administrative Resolution Officer ("ARO") or delegates the matter to an alternative ARO, typically assigned from among the staff of the OSCCR. The administrative resolution phase for students substantially follows the principles for sanctions codified within the Community Standards and includes a thorough review of the investigative documentation and findings, including the Final Investigation Report and all associated evidence on which the investigative decision relied.

When the respondent is a student, parties may object to any assigned ARO for cause (e.g. conflict of interest or bias) in writing to the Executive Director of Equity & Compliance ("EDEC") as soon as possible. An ARO may be replaced or removed if the EDEC concludes that a bias or conflict of interest exists. Similarly, any ARO who cannot make an objective determination must recuse themselves from the process. If an ARO is unsure of whether a bias or conflict of interest exists, they must raise the concern to the EDEC as soon as possible.

Sanctions for Students

Factors that may be considered by the Administrative Resolution Officer ("ARO") when determining sanctions for students may include, but are not limited to:

  • The nature, severity of, and circumstances surrounding the violation
  • The respondent’s student conduct/disciplinary history
  • Previous allegations or allegations involving similar conduct
  • The need for the University’s intervention to stop, prevent, and remedy the effects of the discrimination, sexual misconduct, and/or retaliation
  • The impact on the parties
  • Any other information deemed relevant by the ARO

Sanctions for a student respondent who is responsible for discrimination, sexual misconduct, and/or retaliation may include the following (for further information about these and other sanctions for students, please consult the Community Standards):

  • University Warning
  • University Probation
  • University Suspension
  • University Expulsion
  • Residence Hall Probation
  • Residence Hall Suspension
  • Residence Hall Expulsion
  • Withholding of Transcript or Degree
  • Revocation of Admission or Degree
  • Loss of University Privileges
  • Educational Experiences
  • Extension of Supportive Measures (No Contact Directive, Limitation on University Activities and Access, etc.)
  • Recognized Student Organization Outcomes (suspension, loss of recognition, loss of some or all privileges for a specified period of time, etc.)
  • Other Actions (in addition to or in place of those listed above, the University may assign any other sanctions as deemed appropriate)

The sanctions described here are not exclusive of, and may be in addition to, other actions undertaken by the University or imposed by outside authorities.

Sanctions for a student respondent are implemented as soon as feasible following the final resolution of the case (i.e., upon the conclusion of the appeal window or the resolution of any appeal, if one is requested). Additionally, parties’ activities and/or access (e.g. graduation, study abroad, internships/externships/assistantships, access to workplace, residence halls, or facilities, etc.) may be postponed or restricted on an interim basis pending the resolution of a pending appeal.

Notice of Administrative Resolution for Student Respondents

The Administrative Resolution Officer ("ARO") issues a Notice of Administrative Resolution, which is communicated by the EDEC to all respondents and complainants simultaneously and in writing notifying them of the administrative resolution decision. The information provided to respondents and complainants may not be identical, as the exact details of some actions undertaken may be withheld to protect the privacy of the parties. Notices of Administrative Resolution in cases of student respondents include a restatement of the findings, a summary of and rationale for sanctions (of which some details may be withheld for privacy reasons), and relevant information necessary for the parties to assess their safety moving forward. Notices of Administrative Resolution may also include information about eligibility for appeal where applicable.

Notices of Administrative Resolution may be delivered by one or more of the following methods: in person, mailed to the local or permanent address of the parties as indicated in official University records, or emailed to the parties’ University-issued email account. Once mailed, emailed, and/or received in-person, notice is presumptively delivered.

The University reserves the right to redact or withhold information from Notices of Administrative Resolution to protect privacy or safety interests.