Giving is as good as GOLD

Declan Murray running track
By Carla Beecher
Declan Murray (BA ’13, BS ’13) was all in as a Loyola student. As a member of the track team all four years and named an Academic All American, he was a member of the executive committee of the Student Athlete Advisory Council. While he was earning degrees in economics and psychology, he became co-chair of the Maroon and Gold Society, which recognizes rising seniors who demonstrate a commitment to leadership, academic excellence, and service to others. So it’s no surprise that Declan believes in continuing his leadership by regularly supporting the institution that gave him an educational start in life.
“I attended a Jesuit high school in Ohio and received both an athletic scholarship to Loyola and a Jesuit Heritage Scholarship, so I know firsthand how important others’ generosity can be—it made Loyola a reality for me,” he said on a break from his job as membership and engagement manager for the nonprofit Chicago Area Runners Association.
Declan is a GOLD alum—a graduate of the last decade—who chooses to stay involved at Loyola by attending events and giving monetarily. He started giving back during his senior year when the Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee started a campaign to promote a 100-percent giving campaign to get every athlete, administrator, and coach to make a donation to the athletics department.
“The idea behind it was that if we all committed ourselves financially to athletics’ mission—even if only a few dollars—then everyone’s buy-in would give much more meaning when potential donors were asked to join us,” he said. “That was 250 students and over 50 administrators and coaches who were very invested in Loyola’s mission. It was exciting and made me realize that if we were willing to give as students in hopes that others would, too, then something special was going on and I certainly can continue that today.
“A lot of small gifts by GOLD can add up to some meaningful donations for students.”
Declan came to Loyola because of older brother Sean (BBA ’11), who attended the Quinlan School of Business. “And that was the sell for me,” he said. “Sean told me about how the community was different than at any other school. My professors cared about me beyond the classroom. When I spoke, they really listened and wanted to know what I thought.”
In addition to being married to Loyola graduate Kelly (Scott) Murray (BSN ’14), his two younger sisters, Brigid (JFRC Summer ’13, BBA ’15, MS ’16) and Ciara (JFRC Summer ’15, BBA ’17), also earned Loyola degrees. “My parents are big believers in the mission and are happy we all attended,” he said.
Besides being an engaged GOLD alumnus and donor, Declan stays connected by attending social gatherings and as many track and field and cross-country events as he’s able. He also holds season tickets to men’s basketball and was thrilled to go all the way to the Final Four with the team last year.
“It’s easy to keep in touch and continue to make Loyola a part of my life.”