Loyola University Chicago

Department of History

Dr. Elliott Gorn Book Publication

Elliott Gorn’s Let the People See:  The Story of Emmett Till, now available in paperback.

In August 1955, Emmett Till, a 14-year old from Chicago visiting his family in Mississippi was brutally beaten and murdered for whistling at a white woman behind a store counter.  His mother returned his mutilated body to Chicago and placed him in an open casket, so the world could see what racism wrought.  This is a history that must be remembered, and it resonates today as the nation wrestles with systemic racism and how to fight it.  Professor Elliot Gorn is the author of Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Tilljust released in paperback by Oxford University Press.  For an interview with Professor Gorn, see this feature interview.

26 August 2020