2016 Stories
Archive of 2016 Stories

Professor Carlos Eire, Loyola Alumnus, Reflects on Life Under Castro
Professor Carlos Eire, T. Lawrason Riggs Professor of History & Religious Studies at Yale University and Loyola University Chicago Class of 1973, reflects on life in Cuba under the Castro regime.

History Honors Students Present Original Research on December 6th
Students in the history honors program will present their semester-long research projects on Tuesday, December 6th, from 2:30-5pm in Regis Hall. Presentations will be followed by a catered reception which all are invited to attend!

Professor Kyle B. Roberts Publishes New Book
Congratulations to Dr. Roberts on the publication of Evangelical Gotham: Religion and the Making of New York City, 1783-1860

Graduate Students
Graduate Students Attend Newberry Seminar Series
Loyola graduate student Kelly Schmidt participated in a full-day lecture and seminar series at the Newberry Library in association with the Chicago Humanities Council and the Karla Scherer Center for the Study of American Culture at the University of Chicago.

Graduate Studies
Graduate Students Get Hands-On Experience with Medieval Manuscripts
This fall semester, history graduate students have the rare opportunity to work with the Newberry Library's renowned collection of medieval manuscripts through a seminar course on gender, bodies, and the body politic in medieval Europe led by Dr. Tanya Stabler-Miller.

Join Us for an Election Night Viewing Extravaganza!
Curious about how the 2016 election will end? Want to hear expert commentary from journalists, activists, and policy experts as the results come in? Drop by or spend the whole evening with us on election night, November 8th, at the Damen Theater from 7-11pm. This event is free and open to everyone!

Teaching World History in a Global Twenty-First Century
New course offers perspective and practice for teaching world history

Student Recognition
Celebrating Chrysler Village
Public History graduate students help preserve, share, and celebrate the history of a Chicago neighborhood

Upcoming Events
Dr. Raúl Rodríguez to speak Nov. 2 and 3
On November 2, the History Department will host Dr. Raúl Rodríguez, of the Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies at La Universidad de la Habana, for a roundtable discussion with interested faculty and graduate students at 1:30 pm. On November 3, Dr. Rodríguez will give a talk on US-Cuban relations at 5 pm in Cuneo Hall Room 312.

Professor Gilfoyle to present at Newberry Seminar in Writing History
On Friday, November 11, at 3 pm at the Newberry Library, Prof. Timothy Gilfoyle will present "Writing A Pickpocket's Tale" at the Newberry Seminar in Writing History.

Save the Date for the Dorothy Day Symposium!
The Ramonat Seminar and the Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage announce a two-day symposium celebrating the legacy of Catholic activist Dorothy Day on February 16th and 17th.

Medieval Studies Program Presents: "The Supernatural in the Middle Ages"
Richard Keickhefer, John Evans Professor of Religious Studies at Northwestern University, presents “The Problem of Angel Magic” on November 14 at 4 pm in the Crown Center auditorium.

Faculty Recognition
Charting New Career Pathways
Dr. Patricia Mooney-Melvin expands career paths for PhD students in the humanities.

Chicago Maritime Museum Celebrates Grand Opening
The Chicago Maritime Museum, longtime partner with the Public History Program, celebrated its grand opening at its new location at the Bridgeport Art Center at historic Bubbly Creek.

Alumnus Returns Home to Teach at Arrupe College
Rene Luis Alvarez, PhD and alumnus of Loyola's history undergraduate program, will begin his new position at Arrupe this fall.

Professor Bucholz concludes three successful years as department chair
At the end of June 2016, Professor Robert O. Bucholz will conclude his three-year term as Chair of the History Department. During his tenure, Bob cultivated a culture of excellence that stressed the importance of teaching, research, and service.
History undergraduates recognized for academic achievement
The History Department announces the winners of the 2015-2016 Undergraduate Essay Contest and the 2016-2016 Undergraduate Blog Contest.
MA student Lauren O'Brien bridges academic experience with community work
Second year History MA student Lauren O'Brien shares how Loyola’s MA History Program prepared her for a position at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum.

Professors Hajdarpasic, Kaufman, Roberts recognized for Research and Teaching Excellence
Professors Edin Hajdarpasic and Kyle Roberts won the Sujack Awards for Research and Teaching Excellence. Professor Suzanne Kaufman was named 2016 Master Teacher. Congratulations to our award winning faculty!

Phi Alpha Theta President and Vice President present at The Biennial National Convention
Loyola’s History Honors Society Phi Alpha Theta President Nemanja Krsic, and Vice President, Alexa Lindsley showcase their scholarship at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial National Convention.
History Students to Present at Weekend of Excellence
Weekend of Excellence, April 14-17. See who's presenting and receiving awards for scholarship!
Not-to-miss Fall 2016 Courses!
Fall course registration begins on April 18. Consider taking one of the history department’s many 300-level classes. From presidential elections and pirates to China and the Caribbean to film and memoir, there's something for everyone. Open to majors, minors, and non-majors.

Winning Elections in the 21st Century
History MA alum Betty O'Shaughnessy coauthors new book that tells candidates, activists, and voters how to win elections in the 21st Century.

MA student Szilvia Finali uses Twitter to explore grandfather's extraordinary life
Digital Humanities MA student Szilvia Finali documents grandfather's experience as Hungarian Jew in WWII through Twitter.

Students blend history with advocacy
The Public History Lab started with a handful of students. What it has turned into, however, is a full-scale campaign of projects, art walks, community days, faculty consults, and numerous proposals—all to support Chicago’s historic neighborhoods.
IES Research Seminar Series Announced
Join the LUC Institute for Environmental Sustainability for its 2015-2016 Research Seminar Series. The series features Chicago-area scholars who research issues related to the environment and environmental sustainability.
Elliott Gorn to Speak at Chicago History Museum's May Urban History Seminar
Dr. Elliott Gorn will deliver a talk on "Emmett Till, Chicago, and Mississippi" at the Chicago History Museum's Urban History Seminar on May 7.

Michelle Nickerson featured in New Books in History podcast
Dr. Michelle Nickerson's Mothers of Conservatism: Women and the Postwar Right is featured in the latest New Books in History podcast.
Student Spotlight: Pamela Johnson
Meet Pamela Johnson, a Masters student in European History, who specializes in French history and has interests in micro-history, women & gender, race relations, and urban studies. After reading about Pam in the Lakefront Historian's Student Spotlight, find out how you can apply to graduate programs and be a part of the History Department's brilliant and supportive student body.

Chicago History Museum Urban History Seminar on Nov. 19th
Professor emeritus Harold Platt will speak on climate change and politics in Chicago's environmental history at the CHM Urban History Seminar.

Loyola History Ph.D. talks Scottish Independence
Dr. John Leazer, a graduate of Loyola's History Ph.D. program and Associate Professor of History at Carthage College talks about the Vote for Scottish Independence.

Barbara Rosenwein Discusses Teaching the History of Emotions
Dr. Barbara Rosenwein Discusses Her Fall 2014 Graduate Course on the History of Emotions
Brad S. Gregory Delivered Annual Surtz Lecture on Oct 22
Brad S. Gregory will deliver Loyola University Chicago's annual Edward Surtz Lecture on Tuesday, October 22nd, at7:30 pm in Piper Hall, Lake Shore Campus. His talk is entitled: "Buying In: The Reformation Era and the Makings of Modern Consumerism."
Four Undergraduates Awarded Provost Fellowships for Coming Year
Congratulations to Ed Englestad, Michael Polowski, and Dylan LeBlanc for being awarded highly competitive Provost Fellowships for the coming academic year
Professor Elliott Gorn elected to Society of American Historians
Elliott J. Gorn, Joseph A. Gagliano Professor of Urban History at Loyola University Chicago, has been elected to the Society of American Historians. Gorn is among a small and select number of authors to be nominated this year by the Society.