Richard Bowen
Title: | Professor, Psychology | |
Office: | Coffey Hall 215 | |
Phone: | 773.508.3045 | |
E-mail: | |
Ph.D. Columbia University in the City of New York
Research Interests:
Assessment and evaluation in the teaching of psychology
Perceptual processing in dyslexia
Graphic literacy and analysis
Human vision and visual perception.
My Current Research
Bowen, R. W., Wingo, J.M. and Heath, L. A new analysis of the remarkable consistency of multiple-choice test performance in Introductory Psychology. Presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, May, 2011
Bowen, R. W. and Udo, Maria. High consistency and low trajectory of multiple-choice test performance in Introductory Psychology and Introductory Physics. Presented at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL, January, 2012
Bowen, R. W. and Wingo, J.M. (2012) Predicting success from early testing in Introductory Psychology: High consistency and low trajectory of multiple-choice test performance, North American Journal of Psychology 14, 3, 419-434.
My Past Research (abbreviated curriculum vitae)
Bowen, R. W., Pola, J. and Matin, L. Visual persistence: Effects of flash luminance, duration and energy. Vision Research 14, 295-303, 1974
Matin, L. and Bowen, R. W. Measuring the duration of perception. Perception and Psychophysics 20, 66-76, 1976
Bowen, R. W. and Nissen, M. J. Luminance, not brightness, determines temporal brightness enhancement with chromatic stimuli. Journal of the Optical Society of America 69, 581-584, 1979
Bowen, R. W. and Markell, K. A. Temporal brightness enhancement studied with a large sample of observers: Evidence for individual differences in brightness perception. Perception and Psychophysics 27, 465-467, 1980
Bowen, R. W., Pokorny, J. and Smith, V. C. Isolating color vision mechanisms with hue substitution. Nature 285,440, 1980
Bowen, R. W., Sekuler, R., Owsley, C. J. and Markell, K. A. Individual differences in brightness perception. Perception and Psychophysics 30, 587-593, 1981
Bowen, R. W. Latencies for chromatic and achromatic visual mechanisms. Vision Research 21, 1457-1466, 1981
Bowen, R. W. and Hood, D. C. Improvements in visual performance following a pulsed field of light: A test of the equivalent background principle. Journal of the Optical Society of America 73, 1551-1556, 1983
Bowen, Rich and Fay, Dick, Hot Dog Chicago, A Natives Dining Guide, Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1983
Bowen, R. W. Two pulses seen as three flashes: A superposition analysis. Vision Research 29, 409-417, 1989
Bowen, R. W., Pokorny, J. and Smith, V. C. Sawtooth contrast sensitivity: Decrements have the edge. Vision Research 29, 1501-1509, 1989
Bowen, R. W. Graph It! How to Make, Read, and Interpret Graphs. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1992
Bowen, R. W. and Wilson, H. R. A two-process analysis of pattern masking. Vision Research 34, 645-657, 1994
Bowen, R. W. Isolation and interaction of ON and OFF pathways in human vision: Pattern polarity effects on contrast discrimination. Vision Research 17, 2479-2490, 1995
Bowen, R. W. and de Ridder, H. Dynamic contrast perception assessed by pattern masking. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 15, 570-578, 1998.
Wright, B. A., Bowen, R.W. and Zecker, S. G. Nonlinguistic perceptual deficits associated with reading and language disorders. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 10, 482-486, 2000.
My Teaching
I teach General Psychology (Psychology 101), a large lecture class and the flagship of the Psychology curriculum. I also teach Research Methods (Psychology 306), a critical thinking-based requirement for Psychology majors. Since, 2007 I have been a member of the Psychology and Wellness Learning Community (now the Wellness Learning Community). I teach a small section of General Psychology as a dedicated course for Wellness Community members. The Community also engages in various cultural and culinary adventures with me in the Chicago metropolis during the fall semester.
My Service
Since 2004, I have served 4 terms as a member of Faculty Council and Chair of the Faculty Council Awards Committee.
I was a Member, of two successive Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panels. “Developmental Disabilities, Communication and Science Education” and “Small Business: Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes across the Lifespan” National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland from July 2004 to March 2011. I was Chair of these panels from July 2005 to March 2011.