

HRSA is affiliated with the international organization Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). We endeavor to develop Human Resources students into future dynamic Human Resources business professionals. All students, regardless of major, are welcome to join! Both graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to join!

Please feel free to follow our LUC HRSA on Instagram!  https://www.instagram.com/luc.hrsa/ 

and search our LUC Community in HRSA for events update. 


2022-23  Executive Board

 Congratulations to the new board and thank you to the outgoing!!

President: Katie Pease
VP of Graduate Affairs: Brent Schaefer
VP of Undergraduate Affairs: Rory Zimmel
Treasurer: Anna Krasiy
Secretary: Zachary Neybert
Publicity Chair: Anna Patel
Community Service Chair: Lesley Romero

2021-22 Exective Board

President: Brent Schaefer
VP of Graduate Affairs: Jenna Ivkovich
VP of Undergraduate Affairs: Abby Berreles
Treasurer: Uma Shivde
Secretary: Maja Jukic
Publicity Chair: Alisha Sayani
Community Service Chair: Katie Pease

Benefits of getting a SHRM certification:

Also, Here is the SHRM Website: https://www.shrm.org/pages/default.aspx.