Lu Hong
Professor of Finance
- PhD Economics, University of Minnesota
- BS, Mathematics, Fudan University, P.R. China
Research Interests
- Implementation
- Mechanism Design
- Organization Theory
- Complexity
- Game Theory
- Mathematical Economics
- Public Economics
- Financial Economics
Professional/Community Affiliations
Member of Econometric Society
Referee for:
- Economietrica
- Economic Design
- Economic Journal
- Economics Letters
- Games and Economic Behavior
- International Economic Review
- Journal of Economic Theory
- National Science Foundation Proposals
- Social Choice and Welfare
- Theory and Decision
Courses Taught
- FINC 335: Investments
Publications/Research Listings
Refereed Articles
Hong, L., S.E. Page. "Interpreted and Generated Signals." Journal of Economic Theory. 144.5 (2009). 2174 - 2196.
Hong, L. "The Endowment Game When n = 2." Review of Economic Design 13.1 (2009). 147- 165.
Book Chapters
Hong, L., S.E. Page. “Some Micro-foundations of Collective Wisdom.” Collective Wisdom: Principles and Mechanisms. 2012.
Hong, L., S.E. Page. "Some Micro-foundations of Collective Wisdom." Collective Wisdom: Principles and Mechanisms. 2008.
Hong, L. "Collective Rationality." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd ed. Macmillan London, 2006.
Presentation of Refereed Papers
Hong, L., H. Van Dyke Parunak, S. Brueckner, S.E. Page, R. Rohwer. “Characterizing and Aggregating Agent Estimates.” Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. 2013.
Hong, L. "The Structure of Signals: Causal Interdependence Models for Games of Incomplete Information." The Twenty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Barcelona, Spain. 2011.
Hong, L. "Analytic Model Aggregation". Midwest Economic Theory Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. 2010.
Hong, L. "On the Possibility of Collective Wisdom Through Voting." Econometric Society Meetings (part of ASSA). San Francisco, California. 2009.
Hong, L., S.E. Page. "Interpreted and Generated Signals." NBER/NSF Decentralization Conference. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2007.
Hong, L. "The Logic of Information Aggregation Re-examined." Far East Econometric Society Meetings. Beijing, China. 2006.