Sung Min Kim
Department Chair and Professor of Management; Graduate Program Director, Next Generation MBA
Professor Sung Min Kim earned his PhD in Strategic Management (major) and Economic Theory and Method (minor) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and joined Loyola University Chicago in 2007 as an Assistant Professor of Strategy. He was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure in 2010 and to a Full Professor in 2015, and elected as Chairperson of the Management Department at the Quinlan School of Business in 2016 and again in 2022.
He has significant professional experience in strategy consulting prior to his academic career and taught various Strategy courses at the University of Illinois, Cleveland State University, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology while advising doctoral students as a dissertation chairperson and coordinator of the PhD program.
Professor Kim’s research interests are integrative across Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and International Business, and his works have been published in top journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Management and Organization, Journal of International Management, Journal of Retailing, Industrial Relations, Business Horizons, Thunderbird International Business Review, and International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital.
- PhD Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- MBA Department of Business Administration, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- BBA Department of Business Administration, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Research Interests
- Strategic management and organizational economics
- Information technology and resource co-specialization
- Strategic entrepreneurship and business planning
- Entrepreneurial judgement and commitment action
- Organizational ecology of retailing institutions
- Social enterprise and corporate social responsibility
- Structure and process of expert decision making
Professional/Community Affiliations
- Strategic Management Society (SMS)
- Academy of Management (AOM): BPS & ENT
- Academy of International Business (AIB)
- Asian Enterprise Network (AENET)
- Association of Korean Management Scholars (AKMS)
Courses Taught
- MGMT 304: Strategic Management
- MGMT 430: Strategy and Leadership
- MGMT 474: Strategic Management
- MGMT 479: Independent Study in Management
- MGMT 573: Business Strategy
- MGMT 574: Corporate Strategy
Publications/Research Listings
Refereed Articles
Uygur, U., Kim, S. M. “Evolution of entrepreneurial judgment with venture-specific experience,” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10(2), (2016). 169-193.
Gruber, M., Kim, S. M., Brinckmann, J. “What is an attractive business opportunity? An empirical study of opportunity evaluation decisions by technologists, managers and entrepreneurs,” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9(3), (2015). 205-225.
Brinckmann, J., Kim, S. M. “Why we plan: The impact of nascent entrepreneurs’ cognitive characteristics and human capital on business planning,” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9(2), (2015). 153-166.
Song, S. C., Makhija, M., Kim, S. M. “International investment decisions under uncertainty: Contributions of real options theory and future directions,” Journal of Management and Organization, 21(6), (2015). 786-811.
Jalilvand, A., Kim, S. M. "Matching slack resources and investment strategies to achieve long-term performance: New perspectives on corporate adaptability." Journal of Asymmetric Economics. 10(1), (2013). 38-52.
Kim, S. M., Mahoney, J. T. "Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) as a Relational Contract: An Incomplete Contracting Perspective." International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 7(3-4), (2010). 403-428.
Kim, Sung Min. & Kim, K. "The Impact of Information Technology and Intangible Resources on Foreign Direct Investment: The Tobin's q Framework." POSRI Business Review, 9(1), (2009). 74-112.
Kim, Sung Min. & Johnson, H. "When Strategy Pales: Lessons from the Department Store Industry." Business Horizons, 52(6), (2009). 583-593.
Kim, Sung Min. & Nelson, N. "A Model of Arbitral Decision Making: Facts, Weights, and Decision Elements." Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 47(2), (2008). 266-283.
Kim, Sung Min. & Javalgi, R. "Towards the Development of an Integrative Framework of the Process and Contingency Models with Strategic Reference Points Theory for Subsidiary Success." Thunderbird International Business Review, 48(6), (2006). 843-866.
Kim, Sung Min. & Mahoney, J. "Mutual Commitment to Support Exchange: Relation-Specific IT System as a Substitute for Managerial Hierarchy." Strategic Management Journal, 27(5), (2006). 401-423.
Kim, Sung Min. , Kim, B., & Prescott,, J. "Differentiated Governance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Transnational Corporations: An Agency Theory Perspective." Journal of International Management, 11(1), (2005). 43-66.
Kim, Sung Min. & Michael, S. "The Organizational Ecology of Retailing: A Historical Perspective." Journal of Retailing, 81(2), (2005). 113-123.
Conference Proceedings
Lee, I., Kim, S. M. “Social entrepreneurship in the United States: Founding characteristics, market participation, and financial performance,” The 61st World Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the Best Overall Paper Award. New York, NY (2016).
Thiel, J., Kim, S. M., Brinckmann, J. "Developing entrepreneurial expertise: Cognitive entrenchment and decision incongruence." Philadelphia: Academy of Management Best Papers. (2014).
Brinckmann, J., Kim, S. M. “Planning versus doing: An empirical research on cues that matter for financial commitments and venture progress,” in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 33(5), (2014).
Uygur, U., and Kim, S. M. “Epiphany and evolution: How does entrepreneurial judgment change with time?” Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 33(5), (2014).
Kim, S. M., Brinckmann, J. "A longitudinal analysis of antecedents and consequences of sense-making activities by nascent entrepreneurs." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 30(6), (2011).
Marc, G., Kim, S. M., Jan, B. "How experience shapes the subjective evaluation of business opportunities: A conjoint analysis." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 30(6), (2011).
Kim, Sung Min. & Mahoney, J. "Resource Co-specialization, Firm Growth, and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Restructuring and IT Implementations." Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference, Emory, GIT, GSU (2008).
Kim, Sung Min. , "The Impact of Information Technology on Foreign Direct Investment to the United States: The Tobin's q Framework." Academy of International Business, Northeast Annual Conference (2005).
Kim, Sung Min. , "Information Age Organization and Relational Governance: The Effectiveness of Information Sharing in Vertical Relationships." Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Business Policy and Strategy Division (2005).
Kim, Sung Min. , "Information Technology and Organizational Performance: The Role of IT Adaptation." Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Business Policy and Strategy Division (2005).
Book Chapters
Kim, S. M. and Jung, K. H. “Making sense of for-profit social enterprise in the social economy.” Institute of East and West Studies (ed.), Social Economy and the Third Sector: Changing Landscapes and New Challenges. Samsung Economic Research Institution, 2016.
Kim, S. M. and Hong, D. P. “Business diversification and portfolio management in Korean multinational corporations.” Asian Enterprise Network (ed.), Strategic Innovation in Asian Enterprises: Theory and Cases. Random House Korea, 2015.
Uygur, U., and Kim, S. M. “Evolution of entrepreneurial judgment: Effects of experience, uncertainty, and cognitive style.” in Luca Gnan, Hans Lundberg, Lucrezia Songini, and Massimiliano Pellegrini (eds.), Advancing European Entrepreneurship Research: Entrepreneurship as a Working Attitude, a Mode of Thinking and an Everyday Practice. Information Age Publishing, 2014.
Jalilvand, A., Kim, S. M. (2014). "Innovation and R&D investment in the U.S. energy sector." Perspectives on Energy Risk. Springer, 2014.
Kim, Sung Min. , Kim, B., & Prescott, J. "Differentiated Governance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Transnational Corporations: An Agency Theory Perspective." Corporate Governance and Globalization: Volume One - Ownership and Control, Part II: Multinational Companies Governance. Sage Publications, 2006.
Research Faculty of the Year, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, 2010