Çerağ Pinçe
Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management; Graduate Program Director, MS Supply Chain Management
Çerağ Pinçe specializes in supply chain management with emphasis on sustainable operations and after-sales services. He addresses real-world business problems by closely collaborating with managers in consumer electronics, hi-tech, and aerospace industries.
Driven by the questions faced by those managers, his research has examined topics including dynamic value recovery from returned consumer electronics products, proactive management of critical service parts, and value of installed base information in service-centric supply chains.
His work has been appeared in leading academic journals and provided input for companies such as IBM. His other research interests include speculative stocking under procurement cost fluctuations and efficient supply allocation in the agribusiness context.
He holds a PhD from Erasmus University and held a postdoctoral appointment at Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. He was a visiting scholar at INSEAD, Fontainebleau in 2014. Before his PhD, Pinçe worked as a research scientist at the National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology in Turkey.
- PhD, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- MS, Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University
- BS, Statistics, Hacettepe University
Research Interests
- Sustainable Operations
- Closed-Loop Supply Chains
- After-Sales Service Operations
- Supply Chain Management
- Agribusiness Operations
Professional/Community Affiliations
- Editorial Review Board, Production and Operations Management
- Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM)
- Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
- Applied Probability Society (APS)
Courses Taught
- ISSCM 241: Business Statistics
Publications/Research Listings
Pinçe, Ç. 2021. Forward Buying and Strategic Stockouts. European Journal of Operational Research, 289 (1): 118–31.
Pinçe, Ç., E. Yücesan, P.G. Bhaskara. 2021. Accurate Response in Agricultural Supply Chains. OMEGA, 100 (April): 102214.
Pinçe Ç., L. Turrini, J. Meissner. 2021. Intermittent Demand Forecasting for Spare Parts: A Critical Review. OMEGA, 105 (December): 102513.
Pinçe, Ç., B. Toktay, M. Ferguson. “Extracting Maximum Value from Consumer Returns: Allocating between Remarketing and Refurbishing for Warranty Claims,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 18:4 (2016), 475-492.
Pinçe, Ç., H. Frenk, R. Dekker. “The Role of Contract Expirations in Service Parts Management,” Production and Operations Management, 24:10 (2015), 1580-1597.
Dekker, R., Ç. Pinçe, R. Zuidwijk, M. Jalil. “On the Use of Installed Base Information for Spare Parts Logistics: A Review of Ideas and Industry Practice,” International Journal of Production Economics, 143 (2013), 536-545.
Pinçe, Ç., R. Dekker. “An Inventory Model for Slow Moving Items Subject to Obsolescence,” European Journal of Operational Research, 213:1 (2011), 83-95.
Pinçe, Ç., Ü. Gürler, E. Berk. “A Continuous Review Replenishment-Disposal Policy for an Inventory System with Autonomous Supply and Fixed Disposal Costs,” European Journal of Operational Research, 190:2 (2008), 421-442.