
Samuel Ramenofsky

Professor Emeritus of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management

Publications/Research Listings

Refereed Articles

Lambrecht, K. , Kaefer, F., & Ramenofsky, S. "Sportscape Factors Influencing Spectator Attendance and Satisfaction at a Profesional Golf Association Tournament." Sport Marketing Quarterly, 18. 2 (2009). 165-172.

Kaefer, F. , Heilman, C., & Ramenofsky, S. "A Neural Network Application to Consumer Classification to Improve the Timing of Direct Marketing Activities." Computers & Operations Research, 32. 10 (2005). 2595-2615.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

Kaefer, Frederick, K. Lambrecht, and S. Ramenofsky. (2009)."Sportscape Factors Influencing Spectator Satisfaction: A case study in professional golf." 2009 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2009), Columbia, South Carolina.

Heilman, C, F. Kaefer, and S. Ramenofsky. (2006, September)."Luxury Good Expenditures of Husband and Wife Dyads Incorporating User Attitudes." Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Orlando, Florida.