
Brian Stanko

Department Chair and Professor of Accounting and Business Law; Graduate Program Director, MS Accounting

Professor Stanko has been Chair of Loyola’s Accounting and Business Law program since 2005 and MSA Program Director since 2007. His research and educational pieces focus on understanding corporate annual reports and financial reporting issues. He is currently investigating student perceptions of important factors in future employment opportunities. Knowledge of the student perceptions is important to educators and recruiters and can be used to guide instruction, advice, and recruiting tactics.

Dr. Stanko was a past advisor (15+ years) to Beta Alpha Psi, the Honorary Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems organization and Loyola’s Faculty Athletic Representative (10+ years). Professor Stanko was awarded the Quinlan Dean’s Service Award in 2011 and Quinlan’s Faculty Member of the Year for Undergraduate Programs in 2010.  


  • PhD, University of Kentucky
  • MBA, Eastern Illinois University
  • BS, Eastern Illinois University

Research Interests

  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Annual Report Analysis
  • Corporate Reporting
  • Accounting Education

Professional/Community Affiliations

  • American Accounting Association
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Beta Alpha Psi (National Honors Fraternity)
  • Delta Sigma Pi (National Business Fraternity)
  • Manuscript reviewer for the "American Accounting Association"
  • Manuscript reviewer for "Business Ethics Quarterly"

Courses Taught

  • Intermediate Accounting II (undergraduate)
  • Financial Accounting (graduate)
  • Financial Accounting Principles (undergraduate)
  • Issues in Financial Reporting (graduate)

Publications/Research Listings

Refereed Articles

Zeller, T.L., Stanko, B.B., Tressler, A. (2016). How Risky are Your Lease vs. Buy Decisions? Management Accounting Quarterly, 17(1), 10. https://www.imanet.org/-/media/1e8d72234c7c4b5db300f4f2b32b44f6.ashx

Stanko, B.B., Zeller, T.L., Melena, M. (2014). "Human Asset Accounting and Measurement: Moving Forward". Journal of Business & Economics Research, 12(2), 93-104.

Kostolansky, J. W., Stanko, B. B. “Cross-sectional Analysis of Operating Lease Liabilities by Industry and Firm Size”.  Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. 17.4 (2013). 55-68. www.questia.com/library/p150911/academy-of-accounting-and-financial-studies-journal

Kostolansky, J. W., Altschuler, D., Stanko, B. B. “Financial Reporting Impact of the Operating Lease Classification.” Journal of Applied Business Research. 28.6 (2012).  5. 

Landgraf, E. L., Stanko, B. B., Jinkerson, D. “Preparing For the Profession: The Accounting Job Search and Beyond 2012.” Contemporary Issues in Education Research. 5.4 (2012). 315-326.

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L., Jin, H. “Investigating Presentation Change in Company Annual Reports." Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. 16.3 (2012).  www.alliedacademies.org/public/journals/JournalDetails.aspx?jid=21

Kostolansky, J. B., Stanko, B. B. "The Joint FASB/IASB Lease Project: Discussion and Industry Implications." Journal of Business & Economics Research. 9.9 (2011).

Zeller, T., Jin, H., & Stanko, B. "Investigating Presentation Change in Company Annual Reports,". Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. (2011).

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. “The Arrival of a New GAAP: International Financial Reporting Standards.” Journal of Business Economics Research. 8.10 (2010).

Stanko, B. B., Kostolansky, J., & Landgraf, E. L.  "Composite Manufacturing Company: A Financial (Mis)Statement Case."   Journal of Business Case Studies (2010).

Miller, G. E., Stanko, B. B. , & Landgraf, E. L.  "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." Journal of Diversity Management.5.1 (2010). 7-22.

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. “Risk Manage Capital Investment Decisions: A Lease vs Purchase Illustration.” Journal of Applied Business Research. 25.3 (2009).

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B., Werner, C “Sexual Harassment in the Public Accounting Profession: Ten Years Later.” Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy. 10.2 (2009).

Stanko, B. B., Brogan, E., Alexander, E., Chay, J. “Environmental Accounting of Hazardous Waste in the US.” Environmental Accounting. 10.1 (2009).

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. “Quality Engineering Services, Inc. Capital Investment Decision: A Case Study.” Issues in Accounting Education. 25.2 (2008).

Stanko, B. B., Brogan, E., Alexander, E., Chay, J. “Environmental Accounting.” Business and Economic Review. 52.3 (2006).

Zeller, T., Stanko, B. B. “How Risky Are Your Capital Expenditures?” Strategic Finance. 86.8 (2005).

Refereed Proceedings 

Landgraf, E. L., Stanko, B. B., & Jinkerson, D. "Preparing for the Profession: The Accounting Job Search and Beyond." American Accounting Association Midwest Region Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana. 2011.

Stanko, Brian & Miller, G. "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." AAA Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. 2009.

Stanko, Brian, Landgraf, E., & Miller, G. "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." CJBE National Conference. 2009.  

Stanko, Brian, Miller, G., & Landgraf, E. "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." AAA National Meeting. 2009.  


Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. B. (2019). BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING ESSENTIALS: A McDonald's E-Learning Project 2018 Annual Report. (8th ed.). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics.

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. B. (2017). BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING ESSENTIALS: A McDonald’s E-Learning Project 2015 Annual Report (7th ed., pp. 44). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. appliedaccountinganalytics.com/

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. (2017). INTRODUCTION TO THE CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT: A Business Application with IFRS Content (5th ed., pp. 72). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. appliedaccountinganalytics.com/

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. (2016). SUSTAINABILITY and CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORTING: A McDonald’s E(arth)-Learning Project with International Application (4th ed.). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics.

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. B. (2016). BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING ESSENTIALS: A McDonald’s E-Learning Project 2015 Annual Report (5th ed.). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics.

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. (2015). SUSTAINABILITY and CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORTING: A McDonald’s E(arth)-Learning Project with International Application (4th ed.). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics.

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. B. (2015). BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING ESSENTIALS: A McDonald’s E-Learning Project 2014 Annual Report (5th ed.). Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics.

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. Business and Accounting Essentials: A McDonald's E-Learning Project. 2nd ed. Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2013.

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. L. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Reporting: A McDonald's (E)arth Learning Project. 1st ed.Palatine, Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2013.

Stanko, B. B. Business and Accounting Essentials: A McDonalds E-Learning Project. 3rd ed. Palatine, Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2013.


Stanko, B. B. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Reporting: A McDonald's (E)arth Learning Project. 2nd ed. Palatine, Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2013.


Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. Business & Accounting Essentials: A McDonald's E-Learning Project. 1st ed. Illinois: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2011.

Stanko, B. B., Kostolansky, J., Landgraf, E. L. Composite Manufacturing Company: A Financial (Mis)Statement Case. Vol. 6, 5th ed. Journal of Business Case Studies. 2010. 1-13.

Stanko, Brian. B. and Zeller, T. Understanding the Corporate Annual Report: A Business Application with IFRS Content. Palatine: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2010.  

Stanko, B. B., Zeller, T. Understanding the Corporate Annual Report: A Business Application with IFRS Content. 3rd ed. Palatine: Applied Accounting Analytics. 2010.

Stanko, Brian. B. and T. Zeller, Understanding the Corporate Annual Report: A Business Application. 2nd ed. Palatine, IL: Applied Accounting Analytics 2008.  

Stanko, Brian. B. and Zeller, T. Introduction to the Corporate Annual Report: A Business Application. 2nd ed. Palatine: Applied Accounting Analytics 2007.  

Teaching Case

Zeller, T. L., Stanko, B. B.(in press).MECHANICAL MACHINERY: A Strategic Decision Making and Risk Analysis Case. 

Presentation of Refereed Papers 

Zeller, T., Stanko, B., & Jin, H. "Investigating Presentation Change in Company Annual Reports." Applied Academies Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 2011.

Stanko, B. B. "Composite Manufacturing Company: A Financial (Mis)Statement Case." Las Vegas International Business & Economics Research Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2010.

Stanko, Brian, and Miller, G. "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." AAA National Meeting. New York City, New York. 2009.

Stanko, Brian, Landgraf, E., and Miller, G. "Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." CJBE National Conference. Kansas City, Missouri. July 2009.

Stanko, Brian, and G. Miller. Sexual Harassment: Anecdotal Evidence from the Profession." AAA Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. Long Branch, New Jersey. 2009.


  • 2010:  Undergraduate Faculty Member of the Year Loyola University School of Business.