
Jasmine Tata

Professor Emerita of Management

Jasmine Tata has conducted research in the areas of international organizations, micro-enterprises and organizational justice. She has published several articles, including publications in the Journal of Management, Journal of International Business, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, and Disasters. She loves traveling and exploring different cultural and organizational systems. Before commencing her academic career, she practiced architecture and worked on several project teams.


  • PhD, Syracuse University. Major: Organization & Management.
    Minor: Social Psychology
  • MBA, Baruch College, City University of New York
  • BArch (Baccalaureate of Architecture), University of Bombay

Research Interests

  • Organizational Justice
  • Team Dynamics
  • Gender and Diversity
  • International Aspects of Organizations

Professional/Community Affiliations

  • Academy of Management
  • Decision Sciences Institute
  • International Association for Conflict Management
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Courses Taught

  • MGMT 301: Managing People and Organizations
  • MGMT 315/GIST 315: International Management
  • MGMT 320: Team Management
  • MBA 470: Organizational Behavior
  • MBA 476: Gender and Diversity in Organizations
  • MBA 478: Team Management in Organization

Publications/Research Listings

Refereed Articles

Altay, N., Prasad, S., Tata, J. (2013). A Dynamic Model of Costing Disaster Mitigation Policies. Disasters, 37(3), (2013) 357-373.

Prasad, S., Tata, J., Buckhardt, L., McCarthy, E., Developmental Project Management in Emerging Countries. Operations Management Research, 6(1-2), (2013) 53-73.

Jain, A., Prasad, S., Tata, J., Parthan, S., From Rags to Riches: Tapping the Social Capital within the Solid Waste Informal Sector. South Asia Journal of Business and Management Cases, 1(2), (2012). 71-83.

Prasad, S., Tata, J., Steve, X., Sustaining Small Businesses in the United States in Times of Recession: Role of Supply Networks and Social Capital. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 9(1),(2012)  8-28.

Tata, J., Micro-Enterprise Supply Chain Management in Developing Countries. Advances In Management, 7(1), (2011) 8-31.

Dougan, W., Tata, J., Munro, D.,  Toward a theory of e-governance operational tasks. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 4, 5-15 (2011).

Tata, J., Prasad, S., Ethnic community involvement, entrepreneurial social capital, and business performance. Global Business and Economics Review, 12(1-2) (2010).

Tata, J.,  Micro-Credit Programmes, Social Capital, and Micro-Enterprise Performance. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 5(1) (2010).

Tata, J., Social capital and next-generation succession in the family firm. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(3) (2010).

Tata, Jasmine. , "National culture, social capital, and micro-enterprise success." International Journal of Business Environment, 3. 1 (2010). 74-98.

Tata, Jasmine. & Prasad, S. "Micro-Enterprise quality." International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 26. (2009). 234-246.

Tata, Jasmine. , Luther, H., & Kwesiga, E. "A model for predicting outcomes of sexual harassment complaints by race and gender." Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 21. 1 (2009). 21.

Tata, Jasmine. , "Social Capital, Collaborative Exchange, and Micro-Enterprise Performance: The Role of Gender." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 5. (2008). 373-388.

Tata, Jasmine. & Grznar, J. "Neural Networks and Organizational Systems: Modeling Non linear Relationships." European Journal of Operational Research (2007).

Tata, Jasmine. & Prasad, S. "A framework for international services: Benchmarking for countries and companies." Benchmarking: An International Journal, 13. (2006). 311-323.

Tata, Jasmine. & Madan, M. "Supply chains in developed and developing countries." Journal of Operations Management, 23. (2005). 551-568.

Tata, Jasmine. & Mirchandani., D. "The evolution of TQM." TQM Magazine, The, 17. 1 (2005). 54-65.

Tata, Jasmine. & Prasad, S. "Teams and group structures: Publication patterns." Information & Management, 42. 8 (2005). 1137-1148.

Tata, Jasmine. & Clancy, M. "A global perspective on balancing work and family: An investigation covering eight countries."International Journal of Management (2005).

Tata, Jasmine. , "The influence of national culture on the perceived fairness of grading procedures: A comparison of U.S. and China." Journal of Psychology, 139. (2005). 401-412.

Refereed Proceedings

Tata, J.,  The socio-cultural context of corporate social responsibility communications. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management (2012).

Tata, J.,  Why do organizations engage in corporate social responsibility reporting? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management. (2012).

Prasad, S., Tata, J., Dougan, W.  Determinants of Efficiency and Synergy in Implementation of Web-Based Technologies. Conference on Mobile & Pervasive Computing, CoMPC-10.(2010).

Tata, J.  Supply chain management, social capital, and micro-enterprise performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. (2009).

Tata, J., Prasad, S.,  Micro-credit programs, social capital, and micro-business performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.(2007).

Tata, J., Prasad, S., National cultural values, social capital, collaborative exchange, and micro-business performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (2007).

Tata, Jasmine. , "Group-Based Micro-Credit Structure and Business Success: Findings from a Case Study." The Midwest Decision Sciences Conference (2007).

Tata, Jasmine. & Clancy, M. "A global perspective on balancing work and family." The Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management (2005).

Book Chapters

Jain, A., Tata, J., Prasd, S., Parthan, S.,  Solid Waste and the Informal Sector. Capability Building for Organizational Transformation (2012).  (pp. 161-171). New Delhi: Boomsbury

Tata, Jasmine. , Dougan, W., & Munro, D. "A typology of e-governance systems tasks.", Towards next generation e-government. Ed. New Delhi, India: GIFT Publishing, (2008).

Tata, Jasmine. , "Teams and E-Governance.", E-Government: Macro Issues. Ed. New Delhi, India: Jay Dee Services Inc, (2006).

Presentation of Refereed Papers

Tata, Jasmine. (2006). "Teams and e-governance." International Conference on E-Governance (ICEG2006), New Delhi, India.

Tata, Jasmine. (2009). "Supply chain management, social capital, and micro-enterprise performance." 68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois.

Tata, Jasmine. (2007). "Micro-credit programs, social capital, and micro-business performance." 67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Tata, Jasmine. (2007). "National cultural values, social capital, collaborative exchange, and micro-business performance." 67th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Tata, Jasmine, and H. Luthar. (2005). "A model for predicting outcomes of sexual harassment complaints by race and gender: Differences between White and African American women." the 65th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tata, Jasmine. (2007). "Group-Based Micro-Credit Structure and Business Success: Findings from a Case Study." Midwest Decision Sciences Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Tata, Jasmine, and M. Clancy. (2005). "A global perspective on balancing work and family." annual meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois.


  • Loyola University Faculty Scholar, 2000-2003
  • Researcher of the Year, 2001