Honoring Chuck Ebeling: A Legacy of Leadership and Generosity

By Herb Ritchell, Former Director of the Ad/PR Program, School of Communication (Retired)
Long time scholarship sponsor, Chuck Ebeling, passed away peacefully July 9 in Fontana. WI.
For over 15 years Chuck Ebeling generously provided the annual Ebeling PR-izeTM scholarship to SOC students for the “most effective public service communication program.” Hundreds of students have participated in the scholarship competition. Originally a $2,000 scholarship, Chuck doubled it several years ago.
In addition to the scholarship, Chuck provided valuable advice and counsel to the new communication school in its formative years, helping put it on the map within the professional community. Dr. Kay Felkins, one of the founding members of the School of Communication, wisely enlisted Chuck Ebeling’s support.
An accomplished public relations leader, Chuck Ebeling worked with Allstate, Burson-Marsteller and Toyota, before he joined the Golin agency. At Golin, he worked on the senior management team for the agency’s largest client, McDonald’s. He then joined McDonald’s in 1985 where he rose to become its chief communications officer as well as national and international advisory board member for Ronald McDonald House.
Chuck Ebeling served as a consultant to every CEO at McDonald’s beginning with Ray Kroc and continuing with Michael Quinlan. A graduate of Bradley University, he also sponsored the Ebeling PR-izeTM scholarship there.
After retiring in 2000, Chuck turned his attention to nonprofit engagement. He held board leadership positions with the Chicago Literary Club, Chicago Library Club and the Lake Geneva Conservancy. His efforts led to the preservation of the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, WI, the birthplace of astrophysics, and host place to Albert Einstein in 1921.
On mentoring students, Chuck said, “I encourage them to follow industries, issues and companies that turn them on. Learn to write and think as a journalist, be not afraid to be creative, and work hard and reliably, even if you must play hard, too.”
A public celebration of life service for Chuck Ebeling will be held October 12, from 2:00-5:00 pm at the Yerkes Observatory, 373 E. Geneva St., Williams Bay, WI. Memorial donations in Chuck’s name would be appreciated by the Yerkes Future Foundation—click "Donate" at www.yerkesobservatory.org