Our People

Our People
Our accomplished, diverse community of scholars understands individual needs, implements innovative solutions and leads the charge for greater social and economic justice.
By the Numbers
Faculty-to-Student Ratio in MSW Program
Of Full-Time Faculty are Underrepresented Racial or Ethnic Minorities
Of Faculty Have a Terminal Degree
Full-Time Faculty Members

Faculty Board Memberships
Our faculty members serve in leadership positions nationally and internationally, including recent appointments to the boards of the International Association for Social Work with Groups, the American Association of Suicidology, the Theraplay Institute, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) and more.

Award-Winning Publications
We view research as service, and our faculty publish groundbreaking articles each year as part of their dedication to improving the profession. Recently, Dr. Amy Krings’s work on environmental justice won awards from the Journal of Community Practice and International Social Work Journal and Dr. Dana K. Harmon won an award from the Journal of Teaching in Social Work for her paper on the dehumanization of black males by police.

Faculty Presentations
Our faculty share their scholarship across the profession and beyond. Recent faculty presentations include Dr. Jonathan Singer’s participation in an event at the White House focused on veteran mental health.
Faculty Board Representation
Editorial Boards
Childhood Vulnerability Journal
Clinical Social Work Journal
Journal of Community Practice
Journal of Community Psychology
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Poverty
Journal of Poverty and Public Policy
Journal of School Mental Health
Journal of Technology in Human Services
Social Work
Social Work Education: The International Journal
Social Work Research
Social Work with Groups
Sociology of Education Association
The Urban Review
Selected Boards
American Association of Suicidology
Association for Community Organization & Social Administration (ACOSA)
Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of Chicago
Dimensión Investigativo-Teórica de la Red Jesuita con Migrantes Centroamérica y Norte América,
Fulbright Panel
human services Information Technology association (husITa)
Network for Social Work Management
National Mentoring Resource Center (NMRC)
Sociology of Education Association
Alumni in Action

Dr. Elizabeth McIngvale
BSW ’09 and MSW ’10
Director of the McLean OCD Institute // Houston and founder of the Peace of Mind Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of people with OCD

Lawrence L. Benito
MSW ’98
CEO and Executive Director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Aimee Hilado
PhD in Social Work with Distinction ’10, LCSW, MSW ’07
Founding Clinical Director of the RefugeeOne Wellness Program // University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice faculty

Rory E. Hoskins
MSW ’99, JD ’12
Mayor, Village of Forest Park, IL
Recent Publications
In 2021 alone, our faculty have published more than 100 journal articles across our nine main areas of focus:
- Mental Health/Schools/Children & Youth/ Foster Care
- Interpersonal & Community Violence
- Opioids & Other Addictions
- Integrated Health
- Practice Methods & Theories
- Environmental Issues, Disasters, & Justice
- Work, Worker, Workplace
- Poverty, Race & Community
- Migration & Refugees
Recent highlights include:
- Hong, P.Y.P., Lewis, D., Park, J.H., Hong, R., & Davies, E. (2021). “Transforming Impossible into Possible (TIP) for fatherhood: An empowerment-based social work intervention.” Research on Social Work Practice, 31(8). doi:10.1177/10497315211004743.
- Iverson, M., Dentato, M. P., Green, K., & Busch, N. (2021). The continued need for macro field internships: Support, visibility and quality matter. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(3), 478-488. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2019.1671265
- Saasa, S., & Rai, A., Malazarte, N.M., & Yirenya-Tawiah, A. (2021). Correlates of mental health service utilization among African immigrants. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(6),2144-2161.
- Northcut, T., Northcut, T.B., Getachew, A., Kebede, E. Alemie, A. (2020). Clinical Social Work in Ethiopia: A Field Study in Gondar. Clin Soc Work J.
- Schusler, T., Krings, A. & *Hernández, M. (2019). Integrating youth participation and ecosocial work: new possibilities to advance environmental and social justice. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 460-475. Winner of the Marie O. Weil Article of the Year Award in the Journal of Community Practice.
- Krings, A., Victor, B., Mathias, J, & Perron, B. (2018). International Social Work, 63(3), 275 - 290. Winner of the Article of the Year Prize in International Social Work. Environmental social work in the disciplinary literature, 1991 – 2015.
"We would go beyond the case study. Being able to have that uncensored, real dialogue with professors who were in the field prepared me for when I came across the real situation. As a social worker you have to be prepared for anything and everything, and the education I received prepared me for those real challenges." Rosanelly Garcia, '14, 2021 NASW-Illinois Social Work of the Year
People-Focused Education
Our people-focused curriculum leads to people-focused scholars and clinicians. Faculty and students with a strong passion for helping others — by assisting immigrant communities, reducing health disparities, ensuring young people have the resources they need — come together here. The result is an inclusive, diverse, accomplished community ready to tackle big problems and create bold solutions.