Course Information

Introduction to Computing

Course ID: COMP 150
School:Arts and Sciences, College of
Program: Computer Science
Credit Hours: 3

Course Description

The world overflows with electronic data. This course introduces programming in a simple, powerful language like Python, with selection, repetition, functions, graphical effects, and dynamic interaction with the Internet, plus connections to lower level computer organization and computer implications in the wider world. Outcomes: Empowerment to manage and transform masses of data; understanding of technical, societal, and ethical issues involved.

Computer Science (COMP): Loyola University Chicago (luc.edu)


Restricted to Freshman or Sophomore standing OR majors other than COMP-BS AND CSEC-BS AND SWEN-BS.

Course Offering

Session Day Time Instructor Location
A Tue, Thurs 6:00 PM - 9:15 PM O'Sullivan ONLINE

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