Course Information

Foundations of Photography

Course ID: FNAR 115
School:Arts and Sciences, College of
Program: Fine & Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Course Description

This course introduces photography as a form of visual art. Students learn the technical concepts in order to develop their ability to express ideas through photography. The course also emphasizes strengthening visual literacy through lectures, discussions, and critiques. Outcomes: Students will learn how to formulate and communicate ideas through photography; The course focuses on building the students' visual literacy and understanding of photography as a form of visual art.

Requirements: A fully adjustable digital camera (DSLR) and an external hard drive are required.

Synchronous Class Meeting: Instruction will be delivered online synchronously following  the days/times indicated on the schedule


Fine Arts (FNAR): Loyola University Chicago (luc.edu)


Course Offering

Session Day Time Instructor Location
A Tue, Wed, Thurs 10:45 AM - 12:55 PM Contag ONLINE

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