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Award winning SES faculty and SES students!

Jeremy Gouldey, part-time instructor in SES (formally IES) (ENVS 214 Weather and Climatology) has received a 2013 Geological Society of America (GSA) Graduate Student Research Grant. The grant program provides partial support of master's and doctoral thesis research in the geological sciences for graduate students. Jeremey is a graduate student at Northwestern University.

Edgar Perez was inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the international honor society of Jesuit Institutions of Higher Education, on October 17. He was also awarded the Rev. Ronald J. Ferguson, S.J. as the Most Outstanding Nominee. Edgar is an Environmental Science major.

Graduate student Natalie Lynch (Chemistry), Dr. Tham Hoang's (IES) graduate assistant, presented her metal mixture toxicity research at the North America Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in Nashville, TN. Of the  680 platform presentations and 1000 posters presented by students from more than 30 countries, Natalie's presentation was selected for the best student presentation award this year.