Loyola University Chicago

Department of Theology

Megan Wines




PhD Candidate


Olivia Stewart Lester


Apocalyptic literature, masculinity, gender studies, performance criticism, bibliodrama, theatre and religions, bible/religion and popular culture 


““Do You Study Your Bible Mister Murdock?” Apocalyptic Themes in Guardian Devil” in Faith, Morality, and the Man without Fear: Theology and Religion in Daredevil, Taylor Thomas and Regan Hardeman, (eds.) Pop Culture and Theology. (forthcoming)

“The Revelation of Blake: From Jezebel to the New Jerusalem?” Pages 287-308 in Who is Sitting on Which Beast? Interpretive Issues in the Book of Revelation. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Loyola University Chicago, March 30-31, 2017. Louis Painchaud and Edmondo Lupieri, (eds.) Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme (JAOC), Brepols, 2024.

“Mas(c/k) of a Man: Masculinity and Jesus in Performance” Religions 14.9:1162.       

“‘It wasn’t about Me’: Artistic Representation, Theological Representation, and Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi”. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts 13.2 (November 25, 2022): 217–234.

Book Reviews:

Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict: A Review Essay.” Journal of Historical Jesus Studies Special Issue: A Life in Class Conflict, 22.1 (2024): 37-53.

Review of Jeanette Mathews. Prophets as Performers: Biblical Performance Criticism and Israel’s Prophets (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2020) in Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 51.2 (2021): 289-291.


“Monstrous Men and Masculine Monsters: Apocalypse, Monstrosity, and Masculinity.” Paper Presentation. Ancient Fiction and Early Christian and Jewish Narratives Section. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA. November 2024 (Upcoming).

Play The Man!: A Review.” Invited panelist. New Feminist Biblical Criticism Task Force. 86th International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association. Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. August 2024. 

“‘Do You Study Your Bible Mister Murdock?’ Apocalyptic Themes in Guardian Devil.” Paper presentation. Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies. South Bend, IN. March 2024.   

“‘Could We Start Again Please?’: Remaking Jesus Christ Superstar in New Cultural Contexts.” Paper presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX. November 2023. 

“Considering Gender” Research presentation. Scholars Seminar of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. Baltimore, MD. July 2023.

“Defining Performance” Paper presentation. 16th Annual Loyola University Chicago Graduate School Interdisciplinary Research Symposium. Chicago, IL. April 2023.

“Apocalypse and Performance: A Methodological Consideration” Paper presentation. Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies. South Bend, IN. March 2023.

“Jewish Masculinity and The Book of Revelation” Paper presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, CO, November 2022 (upcoming).

“Swords into Plowshares: Terrence McNally’s Reclaiming of the Biblical Text in Corpus Christi” Paper presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.

“Broken Chains, Open Doors, and Mad Women: Prison Escape Narratives in Euripides’ Bacchae and Acts of the Apostles” Paper presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.

“Abba Give Me a Saying: Orality and Storytelling in Monastic Egypt” Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (Virtual Conference), November 2020.  

“Broken Chains, Open Doors, and Mad Women: Prison Escape Narratives in Euripides’ Bacchae and Acts of the Apostles” Paper presentation. 13th Annual Loyola University Chicago Graduate School Interdisciplinary Research Symposium (Virtual Conference). June 2020.

“’It wasn’t about Me’: Artistic Representation, Theological Representation, and Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi” 17th Annual Loyola-Marquette Colloquium, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, February 2020.

“Time’s Gone Wrong: or Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Stuff” Paper presentation. Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, South Bend, IN, February 2020.

“A Funny Thing Happened… An Exploration of Jewish Attendance of the Roman Theatre” Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA, November 2019.

“Bibliodrama: Taking the Bible Off the Altar” Paper presentation, 43rd Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2019.

"Seduction and Female Sexuality in Ruth, Esther, and Judith" Paper presentation, 16th Annual Loyola-Marquette Graduate Theology Colloquium, Chicago, IL, February 2019.

“An Invitation from a Semi-Colon; Exploring Biblical Texts Through Bibliodrama.” Paper presentation, Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, South Bend, IN, February 2019.

“Picturing Jesus: The Place of Jesus Films in the Artistic Canon of Jesus Christ” Paper presentation, 2018 Conference on Religion and Film sponsored by the Journal of Religion and Film, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 2018.

“Picturing Jesus: The Place of Jesus Films in the Artistic Canon of Jesus Christ” Paper presentation, Eighth Annual Fordham Theology Graduate Student Association Conference “Pop Culture and Theology.” New York, NY, April 2018.

“The Revelation of Blake: From Jezebel to the New Jerusalem?” Paper presentation, Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, South Bend, IN, February 2018.


MA- Loyola University Chicago (2019) Biblical Studies

BA- Northwestern University (2015) Religious Studies & Theatre


Society of Biblical Literature

Network of Biblical Storytellers International

Chicago Society of Biblical Research

Catholic Biblical Association 


THEO 107 - Introduction to Religious Studies: Religion and Story

THEO 267 - Jesus in Film


2024-2025 Crown Fellow, Loyola University Chicago

2024-2025 Holstein Dissertation Fellow, University of California Riverside

Bibliodramatic Work: 

“Bibliodrama: The Bible, Performance, and Pedagogy.” Performance workshop. Networking Meeting on Orality, Memory, Performance and Other Related Disciplines, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 2023. 

“Exploring Revelation 22: A Bibliodrama.” Performance workshop. Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. Baltimore, MD. July 2023.

 “Prophetic Call” Guest lecture and performance workshop, Introduction to Christian Theology, Loyola University Chicago, IL, November 2022. Instructor: Evan Marsolek.

“Exodus” Guest lectures and performance workshops, Introduction to Judaism, Loyola University Chicago, IL, April 2022. Instructor: Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld.

“Playing With the Bible” Guest lectures and performance workshops, Jesus in Film, Loyola University Chicago, IL, November 2021. Instructor: Dr. Christopher Skinner.

“Getting in the Boat.” Guest lecture and virtual performance workshop, REL 214: Telling Stories, Disrupting Order – Gospels and Other Transformations, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD, October 2020. Instructor: Dr. Richard Swanson

“Bibliodrama as Midrash.” Guest lecture and performance workshop, Midrash, Loyola University Chicago, IL, November 2019. Instructor: Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld.

“Created and Creator.” Guest lecture and performance workshop, Introduction to Christian Theology, Loyola University Chicago, IL, September 2019. Instructor: Prof. Molly Greening.

“Exploring Jesus.” Guest lectures and performance workshops, Jesus in Film, Loyola University Chicago, IL, November 2018. Instructor: Dr. Christopher Skinner.

“Women’s Narratives in the Bible.” Guest lecture and performance workshop, Introduction to Christian Theology, Loyola University Chicago, IL, February 2019. Instructor: Dr. Theresa Calpino.

 “Women in the Bible.” Guest lecture and performance workshop, Introduction to Christian Theology, Loyola University Chicago, IL, September 2018. Instructor: Dr. Theresa Calpino.

 “Introduction to Bibliodrama.” Religious education presentation, Huguenot Memorial Church in Pelham, NY. April 2018.

 “Women in the Bible: A Bibliodrama.” Lecture and performance workshop, Loyola University Chicago Theology Honors Society (Theta Alpha Kappa). Chicago, IL, March 2018.

 “Bibliodrama.” Lecture and performance workshop, Loyola University Chicago Theology Honors Society (Theta Alpha Kappa). Chicago, IL, November 2017.

Conference Service 

Technical Support Associate, 86th International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association, Washington D.C, August 2024.

Technical Assistant, Network of Biblical Storytellers Festival Gathering, Baltimore, MD, August 2024.

Chair of the Organizing Committee, 17th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, April 2024.

Organizing Committee, Annual Loyola-Marquette Colloquium, Marquette University, February 2024.

Co-convener and discussion facilitator, “Where are Queer and Trans Biblical Studies Going?: A Roundtable.” UCR Conference on Queer and Trans Studies in Religion, University of California Riverside, February 2024.

Technical Assistant, Network of Biblical Storytellers Festival Gathering, Baltimore, MD, August 2023.

Technical Support Associate, 85th International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association, Omaha, NE, July 2023.

Organizing Committee, 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, April 2023.

Organizing Committee, 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, March 2022.

Co-chair, 2021 Society of Biblical Literature Networking Session: Orality, Memory, Performance Criticism, and Related Disciplines, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2021.

Organizing Committee, 2nd Virtual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, March 2021. 

Co-chair, 2020 Society of Biblical Literature Networking Session: Orality, Memory, Performance Criticism, and Related Disciplines, SBL Virtual Annual Meeting, November-December 2020.

Organizing Committee, Virtual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, June 2020. 

Co-organizer, “Word Became Flesh: The Question of Performance as Method in Biblical Studies,” a one-day conference on Performance Criticism at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, October 2019.

Organizing Committee, 16th Annual Loyola-Marquette Colloquium, Loyola University Chicago, February 2019.

Graduate Student Advisory Council 

Secretary (AY 2023-2024), Theology Department Representative (2019-2022)

Loyola Graduate Student Theology Caucus

Member (2017-Present), President (2018-2019 Academic Year), Secretary (2019-Present), Media Coordinator (2019-Present)

Society of Biblical Literature Students in the Profession Committee (Jan 2021-Present)

Freelance Lighting Designer and Electrician
