Loyola University Chicago

Women and Leadership Archives


The WLA Remembers Dr. Caroll Henry

The WLA Remembers Dr. Caroll Henry

Caroll Henry. Photo courtesy of the Henry family

Caroll Easter Henry, scientist and educator, taught briefly at Mundelein College during her distinguished career. Henry passed away June 22, 2022. 

Born in Jamaica on March 28, 1937, Henry graduated with honors from the University College of London of the West Indies in 1962 with a Bachelor of Science in Botany, Chemistry, and Zoology. In March 1966, she received her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences-Microbial Genetics from the University of Chicago, where she was a National Science Foundation Fellow, Charles L and Frances K Hutchinson Fellow, and Dr. Wallace C. and Clara Abbott Research Fellow. Henry worked in research as a plant pathologist at the Jamaica Ministry of Agriculture for nearly a decade before emigrating to the United States and focusing on a career in higher education. Henry was hired as a lecturer in Mundelein College’s Biology Department for Spring 1979. She taught a course called “The Plant Kingdom,” bringing her expertise in Botany to the Mundelein classroom.  

Henry went on to teach at Chicago State University for 20 years, where she was Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences and was named Professor Emeritus upon her retirement in 1999. Henry was active in numerous organizations, including the Chicago Horticultural Society, and funded the education of many Jamaican students of all ages. Read more about Caroll Henry’s accomplishments in her obituary.

Caroll Easter Henry, PhD Obituary