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Loyola University Chicago Terminal Four
Loyola University Chicago's Web Content Management System
Loyola University Chicago logo in header of site


Video Tutorials

Create a New Page or Section

A video demonstrating how to create a new page or section.

Edit Your Site Name

A video demonstrating how to edit the site name.

Duplicate A Section

A video demonstrating how to duplicate a section.

Reorder Sections or Pages

A video demonstrating how to reorder sections or pages on your site.

Deploy Process

Is your page not going live? Here's a video explaining how the deploy process (publish and rsync) works.

Archive A Section

A video demonstration how to archive a section or branch.

Find A Page Using the Page ID

A video demonstrating how to find a page that you want to edit in T4 using the Page ID.

Creating a sub folder/category in the media library

A video demonstration how to create a new sub folder in the Media Library

Add an Image to an Interior Page

This video shows how to add an image to a page in T4 using the Page Content Only and Image Content.

Duplicate Content Pieces in Bulk

This video will show you how to bulk duplicate content pieces in T4.

Expiring a Content Piece

This video shows how to expire a content piece on your T4 section.

Requesting a Redirect from ITS

This video shows how to redirect a page URL through the ITS department

Adding an Image to a Media Card Item

A video demonstrating how to add images to media card items.

Accordion Item - Nested Content Type

A video demonstrating how to create Accordion Items with nested content.

Adding Tabs

A video demonstrating how to add Tab content pieces to your page in T4.

Adding Tab Image Quotes

A video demonstrating how to add Tab Image Quotes content types.

Adding a Table Content Type

A video demonstration how to add the Table content type to a page in T4.

Adding Table Accordions

This video shows how to add a Table Accordion Content Piece.

Setting the Page Title Value

A video demonstrating how to edit the Page Title

Creating a Directory Page with Staff Profiles

A video demonstrating how to create a Directory with Staff Profiles

Primary Layout - Editing the homepage (ex. University Staff Council)

A video showing how to edit the homepage in the Primary Layout

Managing the News and Story Items using the Archive directory

A video demonstration how to organize news and stories into years in the Primary Layout.

Uploading a PDF to the Media Library

A video demonstrating how to upload a PDF to your Media Library folders

Minding the Output URI for duplicated sections

A video demonstrating how to check the output URI for duplicate pages

Updating the Output URI for Sections

A video demonstrating how to change or add an output URI for a section.

Editing the Calendar Feed content

A video demonstrating how to update the Calendar Feed

Linking Text to a PDF

A video demonstration how to add a PDF to your page.

FAQ Content Types

A video demonstrating how to use the FAQ content types

Add a story or news on the homepage

A video demonstrating how news and stories are added to the homepage using page layout = Primary Layout

Adding a right_column to a page

Want additional content on the right side of the page? this video shows you how to create a new right_column section and add content to it.

Adding additional Media Cards

A video showing how to add extra media cards to a list of existing media cards

Approving Content Pieces

A video explaining different ways to approve content pieces.

Bookmarking Sections in T4

A tutorial on how to bookmark favorite or useful sections in Terminalfour

Deleting Media content

A video showing how to delete content found in the Media Library

How to Add to the List with Categories

This video shows how to add content to a page with category tags.

Add Image Grid Panel

This video walks through adding an Image Grid Panel on a Commencement School Page

Lead Image

How to create a Lead image content piece

Lead Image with Random Images

How to add random image load to a Lead Image content piece.

Request to add a new user to T4 (through ITS)

A video showing how to request T4 access for a users with ITS.

Section Icons and Meanings

A video describing the meaning of section icons and colors

Updating Staff Profiles

How To: change and update content inside Staff Profile content pieces.

Updating the lead story in the Global Homepage page layout

Showing how to update the lead image using CSS content.