
Sustainability Sequence

Sustainability for all Loyola Students

From procurement through production to final sale and delivery, students taking SES's new Sustainability Assessment & Planning: Four-Course Sequence for Sustainability Professionals will learn the types of operations and activities that affect a company’s overall environmental impact.  As a student, you’ll look about a broad range of impact areas - water, energy, waste, emissions, transportation, construction, food, and land – while measuring and tracking their current and future impacts for an organization.   Students will set baselines, conduct life cycle analyses, as well as understand internal and external verification processes and standards that influence an organization’s sustainability choices.

Course Descriptions


ENVS 398 – Section 004 -- Introduction to Sustainability Concepts and Impacts (3 cr. hrs)

This online course focuses on the many roles of a sustainability professional in a contemporary organization. It considers the historical foundations of sustainability and reflects on the legal, economic, cultural, and environmental principles that drive it.  Students will acquire an understanding of the importance of conducting a comprehensive sustainability assessment to the creation of a more sustainable organization.

ENVS 398 – Section 005 – Assessment and Reporting I – Energy, Air, Buildings and Transportation (3 cr. hrs)

This online course introduces students to the importance of measuring and tracking sustainability indicators in energy, air, buildings and transportation. The course will focus on the role of the resource indicators in meeting an organization’s sustainability goals. Students will learn best-practices for creating baseline measurements and will practice calculating trends and setting future goals for each indicator area. Students will understand internal and external verification processes and standards that influence operational and sustainability choices.
(Prereq ENVS 398 Introduction to Sustainability Concepts and Impacts)

ENVS 398 – Section TBD – Assessment and Reporting II – Water, Land, Food & Waste (3 cr. hrs)

This online course introduces students to the importance of measuring and tracking sustainability indicators in water, land, food and waste. The course will focus on the role of the resource indicators in meeting an organization’s sustainability goals. Students will learn best-practices for creating baseline measurements and will practice calculating trends and setting future goals for each indicator area. Students will understand internal and external verification processes and standards that influence operational and sustainability choices.
(Prereq ENVS 398 Introduction to Sustainability Concepts and Impacts) 

ENVS 398 – Section TBD – Sustainability Plan Development & Reporting (3 cr. hrs)

This online capstone course will allow students to use the skills and information gained in the previous three courses to create a comprehensive sustainability plan for an organization. Students will study sustainability goals and plans of global and local companies and apply the strategies learned to their own plans. Students will understand the importance of engaging stakeholders in advancing corporate sustainability and the role a good sustainability plan plays in that engagement.
(Prereqs ENVS 398 - Introduction to Sustainability Concepts and Impacts, ENVS 398 - Assessment and Reporting I and ENVS 398 – Assessment and Reporting II)


Aaron Durnbaugh Director of Sustainability
Linda Kurtos Director of Graduate and Certificate Programs
Jonah Smith Adjunct Faculty
Maureen Stroud Adjunct Faculty

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is teaching the courses?

All courses are taught by experienced professionals in the sustainability field. 

Are there any prerequisites?

You must take Course 1 before taking any other class in the sequence. Course 4 can only be taken upon completion of all three of the previous courses.

When does the class meet?

Classes are online with no set meeting time. Students access the class on their own schedule. Readings, assignments, participation and other assessments will be assigned and due each week.

Can I take the courses in any order?

You must take Course 1 first and Course 4 last. Course 2 and 3 can be taken in either order, but to complete all four course in one academic year, you must take the classes in sequential order.  

Will these courses count toward my ENVS major?

Talk to your Academic Advisor for specific details. 

How and when do I register for Courses 1 and 2?

Register for both during the fall semester registration period.

Graduate registration begins end of March; Undergraduate registration begins mid-April. 

How and when do I register for Courses 3 and 4?

Register for both during the spring registration period.

Graduate registration begins early November; Undergraduate registration begins early November as well.  

How many other courses should I sign up for if I am a full time undergraduate student taking two of these per semester?

We recommend you take 4 additional courses or 12 credit hours. When added to the two online courses, you will have an 18 credit hour load per semester. Talk to your academic advisor for more details.

If I am a post-baccalaureate adult learner, how do I register?

You must apply to be accepted into Loyola University Chicago. If you'd like to request some more information about the program, you can do so, here. You can view the Graduate School acceptance process here. Then you may register for Courses 1 and 2 for Fall 2018 semester.  

Contact Us

Linda Kurtos
Director, Graduate and Certificate Programs
School of Environmental Sustainability
Loyola University of Chicago

Dr. Christopher Peterson
Associate Dean of Academics
School of Environmental Sustainability
Loyola University of Chicago

Racheal Leamon
Academic Advisor
School of Environmental Sustainability
Loyola University of Chicago

Sustainability for all Loyola Students

From procurement through production to final sale and delivery, students taking SES's new Sustainability Assessment & Planning: Four-Course Sequence for Sustainability Professionals will learn the types of operations and activities that affect a company’s overall environmental impact.  As a student, you’ll look about a broad range of impact areas - water, energy, waste, emissions, transportation, construction, food, and land – while measuring and tracking their current and future impacts for an organization.   Students will set baselines, conduct life cycle analyses, as well as understand internal and external verification processes and standards that influence an organization’s sustainability choices.