Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago An Interdisciplinary Minor in the College of Arts and Sciences Race and Ethnicity


The Social Significance of Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are meaningful characteristics created through social processes. Individuals and institutions use race and ethnicity to establish cultural and material hierarchies of power and privilege in a society. It is necessary to continue studying race and ethnicity, especially in the United States, a country whose foundations are built upon ethnic and racial issues that continue to persist: prejudice, discrimination, ethno-racial inequalities, and residential segregation, among others.

Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity

The College of Arts and Science and the Institute for Racial Justice had the initiative to create the Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity. This minor provides students at Loyola University Chicago the opportunity to study race and ethnicity in a detailed and systematic manner.

Academic Objectives

  1. To provide an interdisciplinary theoretical background on relevant ethnic and racial issues.
  2. To train students to develop analytic tools for studying ethnic and racial issues.

Key Perspectives

  1. The prevalence of ethnicity and race as socially significant characteristics; the development of ethno-racial ideologies and ethno-racial identities, and their significance in everyday life.
  2. Racism, prejudice, and ethno-racial discrimination as longstanding social problems in the U.S. and other countries.
  3. Systems of institutionalized inequality including white supremacy, colonialism, and capitalism, and their contributions to the development and maintenance of ethno-racial distinctions and the marginalization of ethno-racial populations in the U.S. and other countries.

Career Opportunities

Students who take this minor will develop analytic skills that could be applied to research in different fields (e.g., health, education, environmental studies, law, government, urban development, psychology, sociology, anthropology). These skills are also useful for developing careers in human resources (DEI), public administration, nonprofit organizations, community development, social work, and education, among others.

If you have any questions about the Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity, please contact Dr. Cristian L. Paredes, Director of the Interdisciplinary Race and Ethnicity Program.

The Social Significance of Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are meaningful characteristics created through social processes. Individuals and institutions use race and ethnicity to establish cultural and material hierarchies of power and privilege in a society. It is necessary to continue studying race and ethnicity, especially in the United States, a country whose foundations are built upon ethnic and racial issues that continue to persist: prejudice, discrimination, ethno-racial inequalities, and residential segregation, among others.

Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity

The College of Arts and Science and the Institute for Racial Justice had the initiative to create the Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity. This minor provides students at Loyola University Chicago the opportunity to study race and ethnicity in a detailed and systematic manner.

If you have any questions about the Interdisciplinary Minor in Race and Ethnicity, please contact Dr. Cristian L. Paredes, Director of the Interdisciplinary Race and Ethnicity Program.