Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago An Interdisciplinary Center in the College of Arts and Sciences The Center for Data Science and Consulting

Introduction to GIS

January 8-9, 2024

Course Structure

The course will include four 3 hour sessions over 3 days

Session 1 (9-12) Session 3 (9-12)
Session 2 (1:30-4:30) Session 4 (1:30-4:30)

Instructor: Bo Zhang

Location: Sullivan Hall 253

Learning Objectives

  1. Define GIS and its core components.
  2. Execute basic functions such as map creation, data input, and visualization in ArcGIS/QGIS.
  3. Differentiate between vector and raster data. 
  4. Perform basic spatial analyses, including overlays and proximity assessments.
  5. Apply GIS skills to solve practical problems or scenarios.

Registration Information

Cost for participation: $75 LUC students; $150 non-LUC students, faculty, and staff

January 8-9, 2024

Course Structure

The course will include four 3 hour sessions over 3 days

Session 1 (9-12) Session 3 (9-12)
Session 2 (1:30-4:30) Session 4 (1:30-4:30)

Instructor: Bo Zhang

Location: Sullivan Hall 253

Learning Objectives

  1. Define GIS and its core components.
  2. Execute basic functions such as map creation, data input, and visualization in ArcGIS/QGIS.
  3. Differentiate between vector and raster data. 
  4. Perform basic spatial analyses, including overlays and proximity assessments.
  5. Apply GIS skills to solve practical problems or scenarios.

Registration Information

Cost for participation: $75 LUC students; $150 non-LUC students, faculty, and staff