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Supply Chain Impact Accounting: The Workforce Value Premium

Supply Chain Impact Accounting Jill Miller

The 'S' in ESG (environmental, social, governance) has long been squishy and largely performative. There is urgent need to address this.

In a post affirmative acting world, diversity and environmentalism, simply for the sake of it, are gone. Every move must be tied to shareholder value, and enterprise orgs can't have a beige flag anywhere on the balance sheet or in the value chain. At the same time, organizations are pressured by everyone else to care about more than just profits.

Making impact measurable and tangible is how we drive positive change for customers, consumers, communities, employees, and shareholders. A monetary representation of traditional non-financial metrics lets enterprises satisfy their fiduciary duty, while showing consumers, customers, and employees their actions are more than just lip service.

This virtual conversation with Jill Miller, founder and CEO of Lunum, explored the topic of impact accounting within supply chain. Topics included:

  • How does 'doing good' create value? is the multi-billion dollar question—the answer requires entirely new measurements.
  • How the decisions you make as a supply chain professional matter to real people and impact human lives.
  • The world is changing how it views human capital and SCM needs be prepared for this change.
  • Authenticity = "go forth and set the world on fire."

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Webinar details

Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. (CT)
Format: Zoom

About Jill

Jill, a passionate entrepreneur and thought leader, focuses on increasing economic mobility through entrepreneurship, decent work, and economic growth in the United States. She is dedicated to promoting sustainable prosperity for businesses, workers, and communities.

As the Founder and CEO of Lunum, Jill leads a mission-driven organization committed to simplifying access to quality data and information related to workforce impacts. Lunum's goal is to foster continuous improvement across ecosystems that leads to outsized impact. Prior to founding Lunum, Jill founded Below the Line, a bespoke advisory firm that supported transitions to employee ownership and developed trauma-informed entrepreneurship curricula for underrepresented groups. She spent more than 15 years in enterprise business development, bringing innovative solutions to the packaging, processing, and automotive industries.

In addition to her leadership at Lunum, Jill is a member of Room 8 at the Brookings Institute, which focuses on UN-SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. She is also a member of the Steering Committee for Empowering Women in Industry and serves on the Board of Directors for the Spondylitis Association of America. In this role, she works to improve outcomes for people affected by Spondyloarthritis (SpA) and hosts Spondycast, a podcast aimed at informing and inspiring those living with SpA.

She has a Bachelor's Degree in German and International Relations from Kent State University.