Workforce 2020 Series
The Supply and Value Chain Center’s Workforce 2020: Multi-generational Workforce session on April 27 brought together panelists and business leaders for an engaging discussion about working with, attracting, retaining, and motivating employees within and across generations.
The session, hosted by West Monroe Partners, explored key success factors in multi-generational workforces. The panel, monitored by Dr. Katherine Jeffery, featured industry insights from Craig Wadas of CH Robinson, Kristen Lausman of Morton Salt, Laura Brizgis of West Monroe Partners and Greg Ross of UPS. Discussion topics included:
- Finding common ground among colleagues and mentors of different generations through compatibility and open-mindedness
- Communicating digitally with millennial employees to increase engagement and decrease annual turnover costs, which is approaching $30 billion annually
- Revisiting company policies to accommodate employees who prefer to have one phone for both work and personal life
- Recognizing how the handling of layoffs can impact a company’s brand
- Considering proposed FSLA legislation and how changes in hourly and salaried worker designations could negatively affect employees
- Maintaining employee efficiency by identifying employees’ most effective work times and considering home and office work flexibility
- Understanding which employee benefits are most valued, such as stock purchase plans, 401k and flexible scheduling and time off
- Positioning verbal communication as constructive and solution-based
- Diving deeper into the digital workspace
Several folks asked about digital workspace that Laura Brizgis mentioned during the session – here is a link to a case study from some work West Monroe Partners did on the topic Digital Workplace for the Modern Employee. We are planning to hold a webinar in the next month, potentially including their client, to go into further detail. Stay tuned for more information.
We would appreciate feedback on how we might continue the success of our Workforce series. Please send us your comments and suggestions so we can develop future sessions around topics you wish to explore further.
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The Supply and Value Chain Center’s Workforce 2020: Multi-generational Workforce session on April 27 brought together panelists and business leaders for an engaging discussion about working with, attracting, retaining, and motivating employees within and across generations.
The session, hosted by West Monroe Partners, explored key success factors in multi-generational workforces. The panel, monitored by Dr. Katherine Jeffery, featured industry insights from Craig Wadas of CH Robinson, Kristen Lausman of Morton Salt, Laura Brizgis of West Monroe Partners and Greg Ross of UPS. Discussion topics included:
- Finding common ground among colleagues and mentors of different generations through compatibility and open-mindedness
- Communicating digitally with millennial employees to increase engagement and decrease annual turnover costs, which is approaching $30 billion annually
- Revisiting company policies to accommodate employees who prefer to have one phone for both work and personal life
- Recognizing how the handling of layoffs can impact a company’s brand
- Considering proposed FSLA legislation and how changes in hourly and salaried worker designations could negatively affect employees
- Maintaining employee efficiency by identifying employees’ most effective work times and considering home and office work flexibility
- Understanding which employee benefits are most valued, such as stock purchase plans, 401k and flexible scheduling and time off
- Positioning verbal communication as constructive and solution-based
- Diving deeper into the digital workspace
Several folks asked about digital workspace that Laura Brizgis mentioned during the session – here is a link to a case study from some work West Monroe Partners did on the topic Digital Workplace for the Modern Employee. We are planning to hold a webinar in the next month, potentially including their client, to go into further detail. Stay tuned for more information.
We would appreciate feedback on how we might continue the success of our Workforce series. Please send us your comments and suggestions so we can develop future sessions around topics you wish to explore further.
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