Academic Affairs Program Development

The Provost's Office, Academic Affairs, like the College of Arts & Sciences is currently updating materials to support the new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system and processes. This page makes documents available as follows:

  • The Chart of Academic Approvals maps the path of approvals from School to University levels. Its sequences are the basis of CIM workflows past the originating Schools.
  • CIP Code Assignment Policy explains the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) system and requirements in creation of new academic programs, outlines processes for requesting assignment of a CIP code to a new program and for requesting a change in CIP codes for an existing program, and states the standards for a STEM CIP code.
  • Guidelines describing Academic Program Development: Processes for Review, Approval, and Implementation overall: the information included in the outline will be incorporated in the CIM program form.
  • Blank of the revised Intent to Create New Academic Program Form - as of academic year 2023-24, the Provost's Office has required the preliminary Intent step be completed for all proposals of new academic programs. As of 1 August 2024, the Intent Request is now set up with distinct workflows in CIM. Once the Provost invites submitters of an approved Intent to proceed with full-scale new-program development in accordance with the Guidelines above, they should submit a full proposal through the CIM's Program Request.
  • Blank of the Program Modification Form, formerly required for changes in existing majors, minors, and other academic programs, including PermTag applications. These processes now use the CIM's Program Request.