
Dr. Mike Vecchio was a guest speaker for a Cook County State's Attorney program
Dr. Mike Vecchio, Assistant Professor, spoke on April 14, 2016, in Chicago's Morgan Park neighborhood as part of a community gang education course.

Criminal Justice Students Visit Correctional Facility
Undergraduate and graduate students involved in the Loyola University Criminal Justice students’ Organization (CJO) recently visited the Dwight Correctional Facility, a women’s prison in rural Illinois.
CJC Faculty and Students Conduct Research to Inform CJ Policy
Criminal Justice and Criminology faculty Drs. Olson and Stemen, along with graduate students Sema Taheri and Michelle Mioduszewski, conducted a study examining felony probation in Illinois, which was recently published by the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council. The project was a collaborative effort between the research team, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council. Sema and Michelle both completed their MA at Loyola and are now enrolled in doctoral programs at Northeastern University and the University of California-Irvine, respectively.

Professor Lombardo Named to Editorial Board
Associate Professor Robert Lombardo was named to the Editorial Board of the European Review of Organised Crime sponsored by the Standing Group on Organised Crime of the European Consortium for Political Research.
Race and the Law Symposium
Loyola University Chicago School of Law’s Race and the Law Symposium is designed to raise awareness of the legal issues affecting minority communities. Examining Police Accountability in the Criminal Justice Process on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 12-2:30 PM, Philip H. Corboy Law Center 25 E. Pearson St., Power, Rogers & Smith Ceremonial Courtroom, 10th Floor. RSVP:

Alpha Phi Sigma collected 6 boxes of clothes for charity
Students in Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society, collected clothes for the homeless this month. The students collected six boxes of coats, hats, gloves, jackets, and warm clothes.
Dr. Olson appointed as Chairperson of the IDOC Advisory Board
Professor Dr. David Olson was recently selected to serve as the chairperson for the advisory boards of both the Illinois Department of Corrections and the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice. These are the two state agencies responsible for the operation of Illinois’ adult prisons and Illinois’ correctional Youth Centers, and membership on these advisory boards are the result of gubernatorial appointment.
New Location
Criminal Justice & Criminology Department Move to Lake Shore Campus
CJC Department's NEW offices have moved to Loyola University Chicago - Lake Shore Campus in Mundelein Center, 8th Floor effective August 23rd. All CJC students are welcome to visit our new space this fall!

Dr. Stemen Appointed to Illinois Sentencing Commission
Dr. Donald Stemen, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, was appointed on June 17, 2016, to the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council (SPAC).
Loyola announces launch of Interdisciplinary Center for Criminal Justice
Loyola University has officially launched the Interdisciplinary Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice. The center is a major initiative of the University, with a focus on its strategic five-year plan to promote social justice.
Winner of the 2016 Student Organization Award!
Dr. Robert Lombardo, Associate Professor was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Advisor of the year.
CJC Faculty Guest Speakers at Lecture Series on Racial (In)Justice
Drs. Stemen and Webster will be giving the next talk in the Racial (In)Justice series, co-sponsored by The Committee on Diversity Affairs (CODA), Department of Psychology, Department of Sociology, and Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Join us on Monday, November 9 from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. via Zoom event!
Student Profiles
Leanna Taylor
Major: Criminal Justice Minor: Psychology of Crime and Justice Post-graduate plans: Graduate Studies in Social Work
Congratulations Criminal Justice and Criminology Class of 2021!
Click to see the list of students graduating and receiving department awards.

2017 Outstanding Advisor of the Year!
CJC Professor, Brandi Vigil was awarded the 2017 Outstanding Advisor of the year award.
READ MOREAssociate Professor Robert Lombardo Publishes Second Book
Dr. Lombardo has a new book coming out – Organized Crime in Chicago: Beyond the Mafia – which examines the emergence and continuation of organized crime in Chicago
Prof. David Olson & Graduate Student Koert Huddle Examine Cook County Jail Exits
Criminal Justice and Criminology Professor David Olson and Graduate Research Assistant Koert Huddle published a research bulletin examining the characteristics of individuals processed through the Cook County Jail in 2012. This work is part of a research partnership between Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's Office and Loyola University Chicago.
Loyola Announces Launch of Interdisciplinary Center for Criminal Justice

Loyola University has officially launched the Interdisciplinary Center for Criminal Justice Research. The Center is a major initiative of the University with a focus on its strategic five-year plan to promote social justice.
The Center is supported in part by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which led the Models for Change initiative that centered on juvenile justice reform.
Under the aegis of CAS's Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, the School of Law, and with the collaboration of other University partners, the Center will adopt a comprehensive approach to help create a more informed, effective, and ethical criminal justice system. The Center’s research and other endeavors will respond to calls for criminal justice reform, which are being heard at both local and national levels.
One Friday, February 19, 2016, the Center will address the treatment of emerging adults, ages 18-24, in the criminal justice system by convening a symposium, “Emerging Adults and The Criminal Justice System: Charting the Course for Policy and Practice.” This event is free to Loyola students, faculty, and staff. To learn more and register for the event, visit