
Congratulations Criminal Justice and Criminology Class of 2020!

Please join us in congratulating the Class of 2020 graduates completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. 

Ana Abello*** Jessica Korth***
Jordan Ader* Erika Krak**
Elizaveta Agarkova** Emily Lange 
Alec Bagin  Jennifer Lopez 
Jose Barrios Sanay Ma 
Christopher Beardsworth  Agustin Martinez 
Kopal Bhatti  Carlee Mayer***
Devisha Bisaria  Ravin McMorris
Ian Bortnick  James Melody
Elizabeth Burnham Patrick Miller
Jeremy Burton Alejandra Molina
Yazmin Candiotti Amy Moreno**
Colin Carr Julian Morrison
Allyson Casella Sophia Mulry***
Angelica Castillo Bailey Murphy***
Ryley Coleman** Sergio Nunez
Ana Conde Lindsey Oosterhouse
Jaime Corro Avery Pankratz**
Jorge Cotaquispe Benny Perez
Jazmine Covington Kasia Pieczara
Nina Davison* Maria Radulescu**
Harold Deulofeut Anjali Rathore
Chelsea Divins** Karina Reyes
Elizabete Dudorane Maysie Richter
Mikhaila Duvall Marc Rosales***
Kaitlyn Foust* Gillian Ruggeri***
Isabella Garcia Janette Sanchez-Zarco
Daisy Garcia Victoria Santiago
Elizabeth Gibbons*** Destiny Serrano
Tu'ziah Hall Laura Sheban***
Patricia Hatzopoulos Ashrith Shivaswamy
Gerald Hayes Shelby Stafford***
Aiden Heavey Komal Tailor***
Mary Henderson*** Perla Tapia
Maeghann Hoal Alexandre Tham**
Zane Houlihan Gabrielle Thomas
Vi Huynh William Tischler
Ethan King Kari Whalen***
Kaili Kleinschmidt Samantha Wilson
Sydney Koncagul  Isabelle Zinselmeier
Jennifer Konrath  Cyndy Zukowski

*Summa Cum Laude

**Magna Cum Laude

***Cum Laude


Department Awards

Dr. Paul Mundy Award

Nina Davison is the recipient of the Dr. Paul Mundy award for outstanding scholarship, presented to the graduating Criminal Justice and Criminology student with the highest overall grade point average. The award is named for the founder of Loyola University's Department of Criminal Justice, Dr. Mundy who was a professor at Loyola for 38 years, was the chair of the Department of Sociology, and in 1975 started the university’s criminal justice program. 


Dean Charles W. Hart Award

Dr. Charles W. Hart was a Loyola Graduate, a Faculty member in the Department of English, and an Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences where he showed great devotion to helping students both academically and personally. The Dean Charles W. Hart award is presented every year for academic excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences to all graduating Criminal Justice and Criminology students who have achieved a 3.7 overall grade point average. This years recipients include: Jordan Ader, Elizaveta Agarkova, Ryley Coleman, Nina Davison, Chelsea Divins, Kaitlyn Foust, Erika Krak, Amy Moreno, Avery Pankratz, Maria Radulescu, Alexandre Tham.