Loyola University Chicago

Executive and Professional Education Center

A Member of the Loyola Business Leadership Hub

Inclusive Leadership: The Power of Workplace Diversity

What makes employees feel included in organizations? What makes them feel they are treated fairlyrespectfully, and are valued and belong? Along with an organization’s mission, policies, team culture, it mostly comes down to leadership. For years, organizations incentivized inclusion and diversity initiatives with a carrot. They simply rewarded participation, but they didn’t actually hold leaders accountable for a lack of results. Companies are finally starting to understand that they need to change. To change effectively there must first be an identification and recognition of the problem and how it permeates a company’s culture on a daily basis.

This training will help participants identify their unconscious bias, the barriers to inclusion that exist in their organization and provide them with specific steps on how to address them.

Additional Info

Participants will:

  • Explore unconscious bias and how it manifests itself in the workplace
  • Investigate the business benefits of an inclusive culture
  • Identify common traits on an inclusive leader and its importance
  • Develop an action plan to become an inclusive leader and create an inclusive culture


  • Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
  • Inclusive Leadership: What is it and how do you become one?
  • Executing a DEI Action Plan
Brandon PendletonAdjunct Faculty
Quinlan School of Business