
LUC-INSPIRED aims to institutionalize inclusive practices in the retention and equity of diverse faculty at Loyola University Chicago. The program’s activities and initiatives will focus on mentoring, professional advancement/success, mitigating service workload inequities, and creating opportunities for interdisciplinary connections for women, underrepresented minorities, and women of color faculty, particularly those in STEM fields. LUC-INSPIRED will be adapted to reflect Loyola’s Jesuit identity, making matters of gender and racial equity foundational to the institutional mission. Learn more
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LUC-INSPIRED Fall 2021 Micro-Grant recipient, Dr. Kristin Krueger, Associate Professor of Anthropology, and her undergraduate research assistant, Cura Scholar Luz Castrejon, are traveling this year to the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics (MDRCBB). Read More