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When Loyola students participate in international competitions, they improve their knowledge of international law, their ability to research international issues, and their advocacy skills in writing persuasive briefs and memoranda, and in engaging in effective oral persuasion and argument. Many students find their participation in one of these programs creates enormous growth in both their skills and their confidence that it constitutes one of the best experiences they have in law school.

Willem C. Vis International Moot Arbitration Competition:  Loyola students learn about international arbitration by drafting memoranda and presenting oral arguments based on a hypothetical problem involving a treaty on the international sale of goods. Our two teams travel to compete in either Vienna or Hong Kong, along with hundreds of other law school teams. They also attend Pre Moots (practice moots) in Shanghai for the Hong Kong team and in Belgrade and Zagreb for the Vienna team. To try out for the team you must take the International Commercial Arbitration and the CISG course with Professor Moses in the fall semester. Loyola has an impressive record of success at both competitions, and took first place in Hong Kong in 2014 out of more than 90 teams.

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition:  Students argue a hypothetical case based on a fictional dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. Loyola students prepare oral and written pleadings, and argue both the applicant and respondent positions of the case. Over 700 teams from almost 100 countries participate in the Jessup Competition every year, making it the largest moot court competition in the world. 

Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition (IHL):  The Competition is a simulation-based, experiential legal competition designed to expose rising professionals to the practice of IHL and to real world challenges facing IHL practitioners during armed conflict. Students wishing to participate must take Military Law with Professor Dehn and earn at least a B, and compete for a position on the team. Taking electives in public international law, arbitration or alternate dispute resolution, and negotiation is encouraged. 

INADR International Law School Mediation Tournament: On the mediation team students take turns in each role by negotiating or mediating the case or advocating as an attorney to resolve disputes with teams from around the globe. Taking Mediation Advocacy or other mediation courses is suggested, but not required to be on the team. Loyola traditionally excels in the tournament, consistently making semi-finals and the team took home trophies for International Champion out of 52 teams in 2016, and First Place Individual Mediator out of 156 competitors in 2018. We have traveled to London, Dublin, and Glasgow. Next up is Athens.

When Loyola students participate in international competitions, they improve their knowledge of international law, their ability to research international issues, and their advocacy skills in writing persuasive briefs and memoranda, and in engaging in effective oral persuasion and argument. Many students find their participation in one of these programs creates enormous growth in both their skills and their confidence that it constitutes one of the best experiences they have in law school.

Willem C. Vis International Moot Arbitration Competition:  Loyola students learn about international arbitration by drafting memoranda and presenting oral arguments based on a hypothetical problem involving a treaty on the international sale of goods. Our two teams travel to compete in either Vienna or Hong Kong, along with hundreds of other law school teams. They also attend Pre Moots (practice moots) in Shanghai for the Hong Kong team and in Belgrade and Zagreb for the Vienna team. To try out for the team you must take the International Commercial Arbitration and the CISG course with Professor Moses in the fall semester. Loyola has an impressive record of success at both competitions, and took first place in Hong Kong in 2014 out of more than 90 teams.

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition:  Students argue a hypothetical case based on a fictional dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. Loyola students prepare oral and written pleadings, and argue both the applicant and respondent positions of the case. Over 700 teams from almost 100 countries participate in the Jessup Competition every year, making it the largest moot court competition in the world. 

Clara Barton International Humanitarian Law Competition (IHL):  The Competition is a simulation-based, experiential legal competition designed to expose rising professionals to the practice of IHL and to real world challenges facing IHL practitioners during armed conflict. Students wishing to participate must take Military Law with Professor Dehn and earn at least a B, and compete for a position on the team. Taking electives in public international law, arbitration or alternate dispute resolution, and negotiation is encouraged. 

INADR International Law School Mediation Tournament: On the mediation team students take turns in each role by negotiating or mediating the case or advocating as an attorney to resolve disputes with teams from around the globe. Taking Mediation Advocacy or other mediation courses is suggested, but not required to be on the team. Loyola traditionally excels in the tournament, consistently making semi-finals and the team took home trophies for International Champion out of 52 teams in 2016, and First Place Individual Mediator out of 156 competitors in 2018. We have traveled to London, Dublin, and Glasgow. Next up is Athens.