Ryan Cumming

Title/s:  Senior Lecturer

Office #:  Lewis Towers 401

Phone: 312.915.6501

Email: rcummin@luc.edu

External Webpage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-cumming-4805a17a


Cumming has taught courses in American religions, Christology, and Christian ethics at Loyola. He currently teaches the Ignatian Traditions (THEO 190) course at SCPS. In addition to teaching, he works on the Theological Ethics team of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). In that role, he co-leads the development of the ELCA's social teaching and policy and advises on the implementation of social teaching in financial, legal, and public affairs applications. He is the author of The African American Challenge to Just War Theory (Palgrave, 2012), and contributor to and co-editor of the Forgotten Luther book series from Fortress Press. 

Learn more about Ryan.


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"The teacher was sincere in his teaching approach and information he conveyed; he maintained an impartial point of view, a good thing. Prof. Cumming helped the four hours pass painlessly by holding my attention. The course was very informative and presented relevance and importance of the subject matter in my life and the local and global communities."