Loyola University Chicago

Department of Theology


Mike Schuck is the recipient of the 2022 Alpha Sigma Nu Magis Medal

Mike Schuck is the recipient of the 2022 Alpha Sigma Nu Magis Medal

Prof. Michael Schuck is the recipient of the 2022 Alpha Sigma Nu Magis Medal, which is awarded annually to Alpha Sigma Nu members who best exemplify scholarship, loyalty, and service in their work to better the world. Alpha Sigma Nu is the honor society of Jesuit colleges and universities. Induction into Alpha Sigma Nu is one of the highest honors awarded on a Jesuit campus. The award of the Magis Medal serves to highlight the exemplary work AΣN members are doing as they live their AΣN pledge out in the world and to inspire new members to carry that flame with them as they graduate. The awards ceremony was taped. Prof. Schuck's remarks may be found at the 26:08-42:08 mark of the recording: 


Michael Schuck is Professor of Theology at Loyola University Chicago, and former Director of the Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic intellectual Heritage. Dr. Schuck is currently Co-Director of the International Jesuit Ecology Project. He graduated from St. Louis University, received an MA in Political Science from the University Chicago, an AMRS from the Divinity School at the University of Chicago, and completed his PhD at the University of Chicago. His main research interests are Roman Catholic social thought with special attention to its history, variety, and relationship to other forms of social thought, ancient and modern. He has written on these and other more specific moral issues inside Roman Catholic social thought.