
Faculty Directory

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing faculty members are recognized leaders in their fields who integrate research and practical experiences.

Monique Ridosh, PhD, RN

Title/s:  Associate Professor

Specialty Area: Self-management, family functioning, and family quality of life

Office #:  Health Sciences Campus, CTRE Room 345

Phone: 708.216.0336

Email: mridosh@luc.edu

CV Link: Monique Ridosh CV 2022


Monique Ridosh, PhD, RN is an Associate Professor in the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing at Loyola University Chicago. As a nurse researcher, she is developing strategies to improve health and family quality of life. Dr. Ridosh, faculty at Loyola since 2007, started as Assistant Professor on a tenure-track in 2015 after completing doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with the goal of developing a program of research in families living with chronic conditions. She is currently supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research on a K01 award for the study titled Healthy Adolescent and Young Adult Self-Management in Spina Bifida. Building upon her prior work of studying the transition from adolescence to young adulthood in the context of spina bifida, she is interested in developing interventions for this population and their families, targeting factors that predict successful self-management to decrease health complications of their condition. She has recently completed a Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research examining the impact of family functioning on self-management and quality of life in women with type 2 diabetes who were participating in a clinical trial for the treatment of depression. As a result of the Diversity Supplement Award, a collaboration was initiated with the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos which has led to a study of family factors, diabetes, and quality of life in a US population-based sample of 16,000. As a nurse educator, Dr. Ridosh is engaged in teaching concepts and theories in nursing and mentoring students in research.

Research Interests

Dr. Ridosh is interested in developing self-management strategies necessary to address the secondary conditions of spina bifida, a congenital chronic health condition, for better health and well-being of adolescents and young adults. Her research examines family functioning and self-management across chronic conditions and in adults to learn what is helpful to or hinders self-management. Adults with spina bifida are at increased risk for early mortality due to health complications, which may be preventable when youth engage in successful self-management and achieve independence. She is interested in studying predictors of successful self-management, improved health status, and quality of life in youth with spina bifida to facilitate the development of precision health strategies that engage youth and their families in preventive health behaviors. 

Selected Publications

Link to select publications