Sociolegal Studies Minor

Law is everywhere. It exists as “law in books” — as legislation passed by elected officials or the opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court. And it exists as “law in action” — constituted in individual exchanges and cultural practices. Law reflects the context in which it is made and used — influencing and influenced by politics, economics, culture, and society. And law is a powerful instrument of social justice, public policy, and social control. Law permits, prohibits, enables, legitimates, protects, and shapes the daily lives of citizens. Law defines rights, confers identities, and both protects and controls.
Understanding law requires an understanding of the inter-connectedness of law in society. Understanding the opportunities and limitations for social justice requires an appreciation of the importance of law, the role of law in social change, and the capacity of law to reach into complex social relations and intervene in existing institutions. The Sociolegal Studies minor in the College of Arts and Sciences provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of law and society.
For more information, contact Dr. Don Stemen, Director of the Minor in Sociolegal Studies, at