August 2022 FOTL Resources
Opening Session, Keynote, Block Recordings, PowerPoint Slides, and Session Documents
August 2022 FOTL opening session & keynote presentation slides, recordings, and supplemental session materials are located below.
Opening Session & Keynote
"Being Authentic Educators: Social Presence Through Community Building in Various Teaching and Learning Contexts," presented by Dr. Stanley Lo
Wrap It Up: Pre/Post Exam Feedback - Session Materials:
This session described the use of exam wrappers as a way to provide meaningful, iterative feedback to students while maintaining exam integrity. This streamlined process enables faculty to be more present and provide tailored, useful commentary to students both electronically and in person.
Exam Wrappers Template Handout
Virtually a Community - Session Materials:
Whether you are teaching on campus or online, discussion and reflection are likely a staple and potential pain point of your teaching. Many of the discussions, forum posts or reflections may feel superficial, but these same students are incredibly active in other digital environments like Twitter, Discord, or Reddit. Research has shown that what might be missing is a sense of place and community that helps students feel invested in their own work and each other. This session will provide instructors with ideas to help build a sense of place and community in order to cultivate a more active and reflective learning community.
Short Guide to Best Practice Use of Some Virtual Tech
Widening the Lens of Instructor Presence
Widening the Lens of Instructor Presence - PowerPoint:
Stacy Neier Beran and Brian Ohsowski’s joint session will explore the opportunities and challenges of student learning beyond the traditional university lecture. Stacy Neier Beran will share Project Cannonball, an Engaged Learning course experienced at the intersection of design thinking and Ignatian principles. Brian Ohsowski will share five years of highlights teaching three-week field-based courses at Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus (LUREC). This interactive session will also give participants time to reflect and share their thoughts and experiences to inspire engagement beyond the classroom.
Student Ownership (Two Parts)
Applying Transformational Leadership in the Classroom Description (Hoppe) - PowerPoint:
Beginning in the 1970's a new type of US business management practice emerged, known as Transformational Leadership. This presentation will begin by defining this leadership model followed by some of the ways in which I successfully applied it in my own courses. Despite some potential drawbacks to this leadership style, I will endeavor to show that overall it can help lead to positive learning outcomes.
Peer Grading (Chamberlin) - PowerPoint:
Traditional grading models for writing courses privilege instructor assessment. But are these "gatekeeping" models the most accurate and productive way to improve outcomes for student writers and foster cura personalis? This session will discuss a means of using peer grading and recursive feedback loops to empower students to take ownership over learning outcomes in writing-intensive courses.
Dialog Across Difference - Session Materials:
How do we help our students consider divergent perspectives on controversial topics? This will be a facilitated conversation rather than a presentation in which we share stories of strategies that did and did not work.
Different Perspectives on Enviromentalism - Handout
NVCAcademy Feelings and Needs Reference Guide
Exploring the Differences Between Dialogue, Discussion, & Debate
My Political Biography - A Reflective Exercise
A First-Draft Conversation - A Post-Election Exercise
Mental Health & Wellness in the Classroom
When Active Learning Fails: How Faculty Beliefs Inform our Instructional Practices and Influence Student Outcomes
Active learning can be effective across contexts in STEM, but discrepant results raise important questions about specific implementations. In this workshop, we will examine different active-learning approaches and the factors that contribute to equitable student outcomes. Together, we will discuss concrete strategies on creating more inclusive learning environments.
Opening Session, Keynote, Block Recordings, PowerPoint Slides, and Session Documents
August 2022 FOTL opening session & keynote presentation slides, recordings, and supplemental session materials are located below.
Wrap It Up: Pre/Post Exam Feedback - Session Materials:
This session described the use of exam wrappers as a way to provide meaningful, iterative feedback to students while maintaining exam integrity. This streamlined process enables faculty to be more present and provide tailored, useful commentary to students both electronically and in person.
Exam Wrappers Template Handout
Virtually a Community - Session Materials:
Whether you are teaching on campus or online, discussion and reflection are likely a staple and potential pain point of your teaching. Many of the discussions, forum posts or reflections may feel superficial, but these same students are incredibly active in other digital environments like Twitter, Discord, or Reddit. Research has shown that what might be missing is a sense of place and community that helps students feel invested in their own work and each other. This session will provide instructors with ideas to help build a sense of place and community in order to cultivate a more active and reflective learning community.
Short Guide to Best Practice Use of Some Virtual Tech
Widening the Lens of Instructor Presence - PowerPoint:
Stacy Neier Beran and Brian Ohsowski’s joint session will explore the opportunities and challenges of student learning beyond the traditional university lecture. Stacy Neier Beran will share Project Cannonball, an Engaged Learning course experienced at the intersection of design thinking and Ignatian principles. Brian Ohsowski will share five years of highlights teaching three-week field-based courses at Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus (LUREC). This interactive session will also give participants time to reflect and share their thoughts and experiences to inspire engagement beyond the classroom.
Applying Transformational Leadership in the Classroom Description (Hoppe) - PowerPoint:
Beginning in the 1970's a new type of US business management practice emerged, known as Transformational Leadership. This presentation will begin by defining this leadership model followed by some of the ways in which I successfully applied it in my own courses. Despite some potential drawbacks to this leadership style, I will endeavor to show that overall it can help lead to positive learning outcomes.
Peer Grading (Chamberlin) - PowerPoint:
Traditional grading models for writing courses privilege instructor assessment. But are these "gatekeeping" models the most accurate and productive way to improve outcomes for student writers and foster cura personalis? This session will discuss a means of using peer grading and recursive feedback loops to empower students to take ownership over learning outcomes in writing-intensive courses.
Dialog Across Difference - Session Materials:
How do we help our students consider divergent perspectives on controversial topics? This will be a facilitated conversation rather than a presentation in which we share stories of strategies that did and did not work.
Different Perspectives on Enviromentalism - Handout
NVCAcademy Feelings and Needs Reference Guide
Exploring the Differences Between Dialogue, Discussion, & Debate
My Political Biography - A Reflective Exercise
A First-Draft Conversation - A Post-Election Exercise
When Active Learning Fails: How Faculty Beliefs Inform our Instructional Practices and Influence Student Outcomes
Active learning can be effective across contexts in STEM, but discrepant results raise important questions about specific implementations. In this workshop, we will examine different active-learning approaches and the factors that contribute to equitable student outcomes. Together, we will discuss concrete strategies on creating more inclusive learning environments.