Loyola University Chicago

Focus on Teaching and Learning

Focus on Teaching and Learning: Spring 2018

Focus on Teaching and Learning: Spring 2018

21st. Semiannual Focus on Teaching & Learning
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Schreiber Hall, WTC

9:15–Wintrust Hall (9th Floor) Check-in and coffee

9:45 –Welcome and Presentation of the Hans Peter Kolvenbach Engaged Teaching Award, Acting Provost Margaret Callahan

10:00-11:15--Keynote, “If I could only fit in more learning.” Making the Most of our Classroom Time. Dr. Therese Huston, Seattle University.

11:30-12:15--Breakout Session I

Wintrust Hall: Group Assignments: Strategies for Developing, Grading, and Evaluating Group Assignments.Shirley Simon, Maria Wathen,  and John Orwat, School of Social Work

405: 5 Things We Can Do Now to Make our Courses More Accessible. Terry Moy and Jessica Mansbach, Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy

406:  Exploring the Gaps in Community-Engaged Learning: A Theory-Building Approach for Community-Engaged Pedagogies. Stacy Neier Beran, Quinlan School of Business, and Patrick Green, Susan Haarman, Center for Experiential Learning


1:30-2:15-- Breakout Session II:

Wintrust Hall: How are we Instructing the Instructors? Pedagogical Training in Graduate Education. Annie Kelly, Center for Experiential Learning, Jessica Horowitz, Graduate School, Patricia Mooney-Melvin, Department of History, Sherrie Weller, Department of English.

405: Learning Outcomes in Traditional, Online and Experiential Learning Sections of an Undergraduate Business Statistics Course. Gezinus Hidding, Peter Stonebraker, Quinlan School of Business

406: "Garbology" as a Framework for Lessons in Environmental Sustainability and Community Engagement. Daniel Amick, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Kristen Pratt, the Chicago Academy of Sciences

2:30-3:15--Breakout Session III

Wintrust Hall: “They always assumed we knew this stuff!” Faculty Approaches to Helping Graduate Students Get the Most out of Library Services.  Niamh McGuigan and Tracy Ruppman, University Libraries

405: Programming, Instructional Design and Technology Updates. Tim Walker, Instructional Technology & Research Support (ITS), Carol Scheidenhelm, Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, Kristlyn Dalton, Online Learning.

406: Asset-Based Community Development. Andrew Miller, Susan Haarman, Center for Experiential Learning

3:30-4:00 –Wintrust Hall-Wrap-up Reflections

Throughout the day, outside Wintrust Hall: ITRS staff will be on hand to address your questions about Sakai, TopHat and other technologies.

FOTL is sponsored by the University Libraries, Faculty Administration, the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, the Center for Experiential Learning, and Academic Technology Services.