
Faculty Directory

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing faculty members are recognized leaders in their fields who integrate research and practical experiences.

Regina Conway-Phillips, PhD, RN

Title/s:  Associate Professor;
Department Chair, Health Systems and Adult Health Nursing

Specialty Area: Cancer disparity, spirituality, health care disparity

Office #:  Lake Shore Campus, BVM Room 908

Phone: 773.508.2881

Email: rconway1@luc.edu

CV Link: 2021 Regina Conway Phillips CV


Dr. Conway-Phillips teaches in the undergraduate health systems management and undergraduate and graduate nursing programs at the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing. The courses she has taught include Nursing Research, Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice, Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice, Nursing Ethics and Leadership in Nursing. In the Parkinson school she teaches Health Care in America and Healthcare Management Research. Dr. Conway-Phillips has taught in the online programs and developed an online course for the Health Care Administration program. She has also been director of both masters and DNP students comprehensive exams and capstone project, as well as reviewer for PhD dissertation projects.

Dr. Conway-Phillips maintains memberships in several professional nursing organizations, including AAACN, ANA, MNRS, ABNF.

Research Interests

Regina Conway-Phillips’ research interests are in the areas of breast cancer screening, health disparities, cancer disparities and spirituality. She specializes in Qualitative Research Methodologies and Mixed-Methods approach. Her dissertation research focused on breast cancer screening behavior in African American women (AAW) utilizing the Salutogenic Framework. Women were recruited from Maywood, Bellwood, Broadview, Austin and Southside of Chicago. Her most recent qualitative study utilized the grounded theory approach to study African American women who have never or rarely participated in breast cancer screening to explore the reasons these individuals have not adopted breast cancer screening behaviors.

Dr. Conway-Phillips conducted a qualitative study that was a secondary analysis of data generated from a larger mixed method cross-sectional study exploring the use of a salutogenic model to evaluate the contribution of sense of coherence, social support, spirituality and health perception to breast cancer screening (BCS) motivation and behaviors of AAW. She also conducted a Grounded Theory study with African American women who had never been screened with mammography or who were rarely screened. AAW were recruited predominantly from the Midwest region of the United States, including Maywood, Bellwood, Broadview and Oak Park in the western suburbs, and Austin and Roseland areas in Chicago.

Dr. Conway-Phillips was the co-principle investigator on the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation Grant: RiSE (Resilience, Stress, and Ethnicity) to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in African American Women and the Health EQ Grant: Race-Based Stress Reduction and Resilience Program for African American Women at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease. She is currently a qualitative collaborator on the Health EQ funded study Exploring Quality of Life, Symptom Burden and the Feasibility of a Lifestyle Intervention in Patients with Multiple Myeloma – a focus on African American survivors. These are patients recruited from Loyola University Cancer Center.

Selected Publications

Link to select publications