Course Offerings
Fine arts. Literature. Philosophy. Political science. Students have traveled to Rome for centuries for study. You'll follow in the footsteps of the many great artists, writers, and thinkers before you who found inspiration in the Eternal City.
Over the course of five decades, the John Felice Rome Center has established itself as Italy's premier study abroad program. You'll enrich and expand your horizons. More than 200 students from dozens of universities across the U.S. come here each semester for a full-immersion learning experience.
Course information is organized by academic term. All classes are three credit hours unless otherwise noted. For course descriptions, schedules, and other academic information, please choose the term in which you are interested from the list below.
All visiting students should speak to their home institution's study abroad office or review their website to learn the procedure for course approvals. Usually, you will need to provide a course description or syllabus to a faculty or dean for approval. If you need assistance, please contact rome@luc.edu.
For an official list with the most up-to-date course information:
- Visit LOCUS, the Loyola University Chicago registrar's website.
- Click the "Guest Access to LOCUS" link.
- Click "Perform Class Search".
- Select your desired term and choose "Rome Center Campus" from the Campus dropdown.
Fine arts. Literature. Philosophy. Political science. Students have traveled to Rome for centuries for study. You'll follow in the footsteps of the many great artists, writers, and thinkers before you who found inspiration in the Eternal City.
Over the course of five decades, the John Felice Rome Center has established itself as Italy's premier study abroad program. You'll enrich and expand your horizons. More than 200 students from dozens of universities across the U.S. come here each semester for a full-immersion learning experience.
Course information is organized by academic term. All classes are three credit hours unless otherwise noted. For course descriptions, schedules, and other academic information, please choose the term in which you are interested from the list below.
All visiting students should speak to their home institution's study abroad office or review their website to learn the procedure for course approvals. Usually, you will need to provide a course description or syllabus to a faculty or dean for approval. If you need assistance, please contact rome@luc.edu.
For an official list with the most up-to-date course information:
- Visit LOCUS, the Loyola University Chicago registrar's website.
- Click the "Guest Access to LOCUS" link.
- Click "Perform Class Search".
- Select your desired term and choose "Rome Center Campus" from the Campus dropdown.